Friday, March 11, 2016

Spain recalled the 2004 bombings unity among politicians –

For the first time since the attacks of 11-M in Madrid 2004 was unity among politicians of different parties and victims’ associations. It was also the first time the acting president, Mariano Rajoy, attended one of the four simple but solemn tributes to the 192 killed in the largest terrorist act in Europe.

They did it in a ceremony at the Royal Casa de Correos, kilometer zero of the capital of Spain, where there is a plaque in memory of those who lost their lives. In the presence of emergency workers, security forces and politicians, including the mayor of Madrid, Manuela Carmena and the president of the Community, Cristina Cifuentes, they laid a wreath in front of the plate.

as every year, rang Mozart’s Requiem and the anthem of Spain was heard, all after 9 am sounded the bells of all the churches of the city for two minutes.

the tribute 2016, after they have been twelve years since the brutal attack that the lives of 192 people who were traveling to work, universities and colleges aboard commuter trains claimed, focused on unity and the need to respond together the threat of terrorism.

so said Mariano Rajoy, and stressed how important and rewarding it is to see the unity of all parties and associations. He noted that the fight against terrorism “remains, unfortunately, because that means there is terrorism, one of the major priorities” not only of Spain but of “all countries that have been beaten and harshly in recent years.”

the president of the Community of Madrid, Cristina Cifuentes, appeared along with the mayor of the capital, Manuela Carmena, and decided to “put aside all that separates” people and parties and being together so important is “affection for the victims and unity against terrorism”.

the message Carmena was in the same direction and beyond the unit has described how during the tribute was thinking that again never happen plus a “barbarity” as the trains.

the spokesman for the Spanish socialist Workers Party (PSOE) in the Assembly, Angel Gabilondo, launched the idea of ​​a single tribute 11-M instead of occurring throughout the day. In his view, it should be a

tribute promoted well by the Community of Madrid or the Assembly grouping all.

The event that was held later at the station of Atocha, President Association 11-M Affected by Terrorism, Pilar Manjon, said they feel “tired” of “partisan use” and asked the politicians that “we do not use in their fights.”

this tribute was accompanied for the first time across the political spectrum, the presence of the secretary general of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias; the leader of the Socialists, Pedro Sánchez and Manuela Carmena and Cristina Cifuentes.

In the event, Sanchez pledged that, if it Prime Minister, organized a unitary act of all organizations and affected political parties. “I think it is essential to have a unitary act.”

In an atmosphere of recollection and wrapped in normal bustle of Atocha, the event took place with a certain vindictive tone. Of course, all eyes were riveted on both the mayor and the regional president, as well as in churches and Pedro Sanchez.

In turn, the leader of Podemos called to banish the use of victims terrorism “to attack the adversary” endorsing the approach defended Pilar Manjon. “Victims need to honor them, use them politically to attack the opponent is something to banish from the political practices of society,” he said.

The other two tributes were held in the Forest of the Absent, in Retiro Park, where 192 trees were planted in memory of the deceased. The last of the acts took place in the train station of El Pozo, where two explosions occurred in the terrible tragedy in Madrid.


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