Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The DPZ launches two plans for municipalities of 1,855,000 euros – EntornoInteligente

Expand / rural districts plan is endowed with 555,000 euros and will benefit 25 municipalities.

The Provincial Government of Zaragoza (DPZ) has approved the calls for aid under the investment plan in municipalities with special territorial difficulties (PIMED) and plan rural districts of the province, for a total amount of 1,855,000 euros .

This year, the PIMED 1.3 million distributed among 23 localities suffering from conditions for the implementation of infrastructure or services of general interest. For its part, the plan of rural districts is endowed with 555,000 euros and will benefit 25 municipalities with population centers separated from the town center.

Both calls will be published in the coming days in the Official Gazette of the province of Zaragoza and from that moment the municipalities will have 30 calendar days to submit grant applications.

in the case of PIMED, which was created to compensate for conditions that cause dams and other infrastructure the contribution of the Provincial de Zaragoza will be distributed according to technical reports and will range between 300 euros you can receive a maximum of the City of Ibdes and 442,000 euro set as the deadline for Caspe.

with that money, municipalities beneficiaries may make paving of public roads; sewerage; water supply; waste treatment; cultural facilities and museums; sports facilities; roads; and heritage management.

The 23 municipalities eligible for the PIMED are Añón de Moncayo, Ardisa, Calatayud (Embid de la Ribera), Caspe, Chiprana, Cinco Olivas, Escatrón, Fayón, Ibdes, Los Fayos , Marracos, Mequinenza, Morés (Purroy), Murillo de Gallego, Nonaspe, Nuévalos, Piedratajada, Puendeluna, San Mateo de Gallego, Sástago, Sigüés, Taussig and Zaragoza.


as for the plan of rural districts, which does not include the Aragonese capital, this year has introduced the news that the maximum amount you can receive each municipality depends on the population of their scattered nuclei.

in previous calls, the 40 rural districts of the province were the same subsidy. However, from now on it will be up -7000 euros– a fixed amount at which a supplement is added 53.23 euros per inhabitant.

However, the distribution of funds serves to determine the maximum allocation that can be granted to each locality. Then their councils decide what actions intended grant and what the rural districts where more priority to investments are

With the aid may undertake works of paving roads.; sewerage; water supply; and public lighting, has detailed the DPZ in a press release.


For the purposes of this plan, are considered rural districts those nuclei separate population of the main town the municipality included in the survey of local infrastructure and equipment and that their population characteristics, structure of housing, historical background and manifestations of a peculiar idiosyncrasy, can be subject to different and specific treatment.

the 25 municipalities eligible for the plan of rural districts are Ardisa (Casas de Esper), Bárboles (Oitura), Belmonte de Gracian (Viver de Vicor), Biota (Malpica de Arba), Calatayud (Embid de la Ribera, Torres and Huérmeda), Ejea (Bardenas, El Bayo, Farasdués, Pinsoro, Rivas, El Sabinar, St. Anastasia and Valareña), El Frasno (Aluenda, Inogés and Pietas), Fuentes de Ebro (Rodén) and La Joyosa (Marlofa).

also, Lucena de Jalón (Berbedel), Moon (Lacorvilla) Monreal de Ariza (Granja de San Pedro), Monterde (Llumes), Morés (Purroy), Murillo de Gallego (Council and Morán), Navardún ( Gordún), Los Pintanos (Pintano), Sádaba (Alera), Salvatierra de Esca (Lorbés), Santa Eulalia de Gallego (Sierra de Estronad), Sestrica (Viver de la Sierra), Sigüés (Asso-Veral), Sos del Rey Catolico (Campo Real), Tarazona (Cunchillos, Tórtoles and Towers Montecierzo) and Taussig (Sancho Abarca and Santa Engracia).

The DPZ launches two plans for municipalities of 1,855,000 euros

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