Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Citizens fear: Soraya Saenz not defined critical of … – Diario La Nube (Press Release)

The Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, who yesterday visited Seville, said that in politics there is the “it does not matter or it does not matter” and that “broad spectrum” refers to that Rivera “suggests that few ideas have the nominating”.

Soraya Saenz de Santamaria (Photo Moncloa)

Soraya Saenz Santamaria (Photo Moncloa)

“You have that clear thinking of government,” Soraya Saenz de Santamaria .

The president of Citizens, Albert Rivera , reiterated yesterday that his party has “no fear of reaching agreements” with any training “if it’s for the good of the Spanish.” “We are a shift lever, not a parade,” he said in an informative breakfast in Madrid. “The voters of PP, PSOE or we are not enemies,” he said.

For his part, the president of Castilla-La Mancha and candidate of the PP, María Dolores de Cospedal, defended in an act campaign in Olías del Rey (Toledo) that the PP “govern for all”, compared to those who govern “in order to create division between good and evil, the one side and the other.”

As noted reason, “the PP assumes that citizens before the PSOE will negotiate with them.” For its part, ABC analyzes the “red lines when pact” of different formations contesting the elections.


(Text homemade made from news summary of the press services of Moncloa)


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