Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A political party gives condoms with “sensitivity and efficiency” – The Sun Online

The deal began this weekend, during the development of the “Survival Zombie” WRG (World Real Game’s) that took place in the suburb, and runs until the end of this electoral period taking into account, However, within a few days begin its festivities.

Hard to believe that the condom has been chosen by the candidate to attract the younger element to his game, especially considering that the PP It has always been a remote training tools such prevention of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

But times are changing in politics and far were typical gifts like fans or lighters with the logo of the games.

So far, the campaign and He has appeared in many major media in the country and is also taking comments on social networks. And Juan Soler has said it is having very good reception among the youth of Getafe. In short, anything goes now to scratch votes.



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