Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Government of Aragon will receive 181 million state – EntornoInteligente

Expand / This money will allow to face debt maturities and redemptions and cover shortfalls in the Community.

The Minister of Finance Government of Aragon, Fernando Gimeno, announced that the central executive transferred imminently Aragon 181 million Regional Liquidity Fund (FLA) for the first quarter, that will deal with maturities and debt repayments and cover shortfalls in the Community.

in addition, at a press conference reported that they have already paid 40 million of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) that they will “Aragonese families zones cottages “.

the counselor has appeared to explain the report of the General Intervention of the Community on the 2016 budget which was drawn up based on the provisional settlement of 2015. in this regard, announced control measures to avoid increasing the planned expenditure in the accounts of this exercise.

According to this document, a gap of 190 million estimated in public accounts in the Community, mostly from Education and Health, but Gimeno has said it expects that figure to be lowered a few hundred million “and if possible try to get the zero target,” he added, to believe that, in any case, “are assumable numbers.”

the document, which is published on the website of the Government of Aragon, concludes that the revenue budget is “realistic.” “Revenue forecasts are made based on reasonable estimates,” the report said.

The Minister of Finance stressed that it is “the first time this has happened in this community” and pointed out that just a report above the same intervention on the budget 2015 detected 620 million budget shortfalls.


the intervener also points out that in the Health “has narrowed the gap between the actual expenditure of the body and budgeted expenditure, although there is still a difference in the amount of 100 million euros “and there are budget shortfalls in education and health, in pharmaceutical spending and concerts with private clinics, said, to appreciate the health policy “has to follow the line is, but improving it.”

Gimeno has insisted from the beginning have taken steps to control costs and align it budgeted, taking into account the priorities of the regional government that pass through the education, health and social policy and, in the latter case, recalled that funds for social spending through the regions will be implemented.

the minister clarified that some of the issues identified by the Comptroller have been resolved and referred to the appropriation for paying the extra officials, to be paid in March with some EUR 56 million recently retained.

in this sense, has warned that some of the issues identified –as the extra– have to do with the outcome of the parliamentary process of the budget of 2016.


” More than shortcomings talk about redistribution of credits to balance the budget in the right perspective once you have gone through the courts, “insisted Gimeno, who has come to the end of this year at most will remain to be borne by the budget 100 million euros compared to the 500 it had at the beginning of 2015 and 250 late last year.

“the report have been already solved important figures and the rest will be resolved during the year, “he argued. To achieve this, the Minister alluded to a possible increase in revenue over the initial estimates, the transfer of state revenues that were not foreseen in the budget (eg for education) and the adoption of measures to control spending avoid having deviations from the budget, but “keeping commitments and social priorities”, he stressed.

Gimeno said that the budget situation is “much better” than last year and has indicated this Intervention report as “an essential tool for guidance to know where we have to work.”

“the difference with previous years is that we took steps from the beginning,” he argued. It has also maintained the commitment of the Government of Aragon to compliance with the deficit for this year.

The Government of Aragon will receive 181 million State

Information from Expansión

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