Tuesday, February 16, 2016

SPAIN: “Nothing important” to find Marta recordings infiltrated – EntornoInteligente

Reason / The Judicial Police has concluded that more than 600 hours of conversations recorded on a CD for infiltrating the environment if and to the family of ‘Cuco’ the young man convicted of covering up the murder in January 2009 of Marta del Castillo. – do not contain any “relevant” data that may help the search for the body of the young Sevillian

judicial sources have told Europa Press that after analyzing these 600 hours of recordings, the agents of the Judicial Police have raised a letter to the judge of Instruction No. 4 of Sevilla – who kept open a separate search of the body part – in which he reported that these recordings do not contain “not relevant” in the face of the search. Thus, this separate piece is at the expense of the proceedings in future be appropriate to try to locate the body of the young Sevillian is practice, indicated the sources consulted by Europa Press.

It was on 29 October last year 2015 when the investigating judge, Francis Molina, referred to the Judicial Police more than 600 hours of conversations recorded on CD by an infiltration course, identified as PBR, for consideration and to report its contents. Thus, the judge referred to the Judicial Police “Discs that a particular took the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Registry of the Courts Writings saying they have to do with the cause investigated” and asked him to “examine these data carriers and report of its contents “.

in the letter accompanying the CD delivered to the prosecutor’s signature appears infiltration course and Martha’s father, Antonio del Castillo, who on October 19, 2015 came the courts of the Prado of San Sebastián with intent to deliver both the judge referred to the prosecutor the CD with 600 hours of recordings, which include a new version of events.

Reviews father Marta’s father lamented Marta del Castillo then told reporters that the judge “did not want to pick up recording” even the ‘infiltrated’ ‘as anonymous person “claiming they have to follow the existing legal channels and broadcast it through his lawyer to I found arrived in the case. In this regard, he recalled that the Code of Criminal Procedure requires the investigating judge to collect these recordings, although I would not go too deeply into the legislation. On the contrary, he said he left the court “empty-handed”.

After leaving the magistrate, the father of Marta and infiltrated the event went to the Provincial Court to attempt to deliver audio to the prosecution. In this case, he said, “they have had the detail of pick” after taking “an appearance”. “The chief prosecutor has not served us because he had other cases but has done his secretary, who has written that have given a CD with audio,” he said.

During the hearing, explained that he and infiltration have reviewed what they think they can bring the case. So, he added, “you can collect the names of people that the body of my daughter Marta and crimes that have not been tried, such as masking or threat to a child who has not been judged know where it is,” he said .

Interview with Interior Minister Antonio del Castillo wanted to take this opportunity to ask the interior minister now acting, Jorge Fernandez Diaz, if you will “take up the matter” to determine “what is happening” as well as the director general of police, SPAIN: “Nothing important” to find Marta recordings infiltrated

Information Razon


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