Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Hundreds of mayors Catalan working the Day of the Constitution – Hispan TV (press Release)

day holiday in favor of the Spanish Constitution has been working for thousands of councillors and elected pro-independence.

Have wanted to protest as well against the current Charter and make clear its will to build a Catalan Republic.

normally have entered the councillors of independence at the city hall of Barcelona. The consistory has been maintained closed, but the representatives of Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC, for its Catalan acronym) and the Candidacy of Popular Unity (CUP) have gone to their jobs in protest against a Constitution that is considered a prison for the self-determination of Catalonia.

throughout the territory hundreds of elected officials and councils are open to the public or have worked in the interior to protect public officials from reprisals by the State. It is the case of Badalona, the third Catalan city, where his government is already being investigated by disobedience after the opening of the October 12, Columbus Day.

For their part, the unionists have celebrated the 38 anniversary of the Constitution, defending its values in the face of what qualify a reproach, a separatist.

The Popular Party (PP) has also distributed copies of the law maximum in the center of Barcelona.

The Spanish Government has been thrust in recent times to lower the tone against the pro-independence, and to appeal endlessly to the dialogue. The sovereignty beware of the real will of agreement and calls for specific actions, such as the withdrawal of the complaints for the 9N, or negotiate of truth the realization of the referendum, something that the Executive of Mariano Rajoy is still not even want to hear about.

Oriol Puig, Barcelona.



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