Saturday, December 17, 2016

France: seized “significant” deposit of weapons and explosives from ETA – Deutsche Welle

The operation, carried out in cooperation with the Guardia Civil, took place in a farmhouse located on the outskirts of the town of Louhossoa, 30 km south-east of Bayonne and near the border with Spain. In a statement, the Interior minister, Bruno Le Roux, considered the operation as “a new blow to ETA” after the discovery of another deposit of arms by the terrorist group last October 12, in a forest located at 100 km northeast of Paris, in the town of Carlepont.

Le Roux also recalled the arrest last November 5 in the town in the French basque in Ascain the alleged head of the military apparatus of ETA, Mikel Irastorza, with two of his accomplices.

The minister recalled the “determination” of France to “fight terrorism in all its forms,” and commended the “excellent cooperation” with the forces of law and order in spain.

how innocent are the arrested?

The French Ministry did not confirm the identity of the detainees, which means independence party, the French assure that they are members of the civil society engaged with the process of disarmament of the band.

In this sense, the honorary president of the French League of Human Rights (LDH), Michel Tubiana, confirmed to the newspaper “Le Monde” that he himself must have participated in the operation disablement of the weapons, but not finally was in the place of the facts.

The activist of human rights, 64 years of age, assured that it was a “voluntary initiative of ETA to disarm themselves” and that the weapons were to be neutralized to “be subsequently handed over to the French authorities.” Tubiana stated that the intervention of the police prevented it to develop this operation and accused him to Paris and Madrid “to transform a voluntary initiative in a detention”.

For the honorary president of the LDH, the governments of France and Spain have wanted to bring out a “communication operation”, said that “the authorities were informed,” and “could not ignore that it was an initiative of neutralization” of weapons.

JUV (efe, rfi)


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