Monday, December 19, 2016

Investment against the violence – The Reason (Bolivia)

The press register in Cochabamba Marina Ramos (29) dies in the hands of their abuser by refusing to have sex; in Chuquisaca, a woman dies after being pushed off a cliff by her husband; in Santa Cruz, Ángela Rojas (19) attends the promotion party of her best friend and does not return because it is murdered by her rapist. And this just in December of a year that recorded the highest rates of femicide in our history. Until November had been accounted for, 85 cases, giving an average death of one woman every three days. Supporting the 16 days of activism against gender violence, The Reason we are confronted with the horror of an infographic that reflects the profile of each of the victims; and on the 25th of November, about 5,000 women from six cities of the country were mobilized under the slogan #Or Less.

But nothing seems to stop the death. Our society is still misogynistic. According to information released by the Ministry of Government, as only in 2015 have been reported 42.061 crimes related to the integrity of bolivian women. This social problem should worry about and take care one and all. And as well expressed by numerous authorities in their senses speeches of dates iconic. Therefore, it is very useful to analyze the real political will of the authorities reflected in its best expression, the public budgets, to give us a clear idea of how much you are truly concerned about damage to the integrity of psychological, physical, and death of so many women.

In that sense, it is very useful to the work presented by the Ministry of Autonomies and the Centre for the Promotion of Women Gregoria Apaza named Resources of the municipalities and departments for the fight against violence towards women. This analysis reflects that, in management 2015, out of the total scheduled by municipal governments for projects and activities aimed at the fight against violence in gender only ran for 47%, reaching to only about 0.33% of the budget of total investment executed in 339 municipalities.

on the other hand, in the management 2015, self-government departmental earmarked Bs 26 million from HDI for the construction and maintenance of shelter homes; of which have been implemented by only 4%. The national level does not have much to say in the first instance, because there is no information to track the resources allocated to prevent and respond to gender-based violence on the part of the Ministry of Health, Education, Communication and Work (with direct responsibilities in the Law 348). On this alone we know, according to public hearing, that the Directorate-General of Prevention and Elimination of All Forms of Violence, Gender, and Generational account with Bs to 23,000 from the state budget for all your work.

let us Remember that already in 2013 the ministries of Justice, Autonomy and civil society held the first costing for the implementation of Law 348 in the country. The costing calculated for seven years, is equal to 0.35% of the General State Budget (PGE); and the actions to mitigate the violence would sue Bs 249 million in the first year, with a reduction to the following.

The calculation was saved and not managed to implement an institutional framework according to the good intentions of the Comprehensive Law to Guarantee Women a Life Free of Violence. Today we can only make a count of the damage in the gap of implementation of the normative frameworks which both make us proud. So we ask ourselves, how many people of the female sex must die in order that the bolivian State assumes its commitment with the women of a life free of violence?


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