Friday, December 23, 2016

Cifuentes fine to the director of the catholic college John Paul II – Infovaticana


With the law against the LGTBIfobia in the hand, the Community of Madrid initiated a disciplinary proceeding to the person responsible for a letter that warned of the ideology of gender and denounced the attempts to impose an ideology by force of sanctions.

the director of The catholic school, John Paul II, Alcorcón, Carlos Martinez, has become the first victim of the law against the LGTBIfobia approved the past month of July in the Assembly of Madrid.

The Community of Madrid, presided over by Cristina Cifuentes, has initiated a disciplinary procedure the director of the school John Paul II Alcorcón by the letter he sent to the families from the school that warned of the ideology of gender and denounced the attempts to impose an ideology by force of sanctions.

The ministry of Social Policy has decided to punish with a fine of 1,000 euro for a minor breach of the act regional director of the above-mentioned catholic center, after having exhibited in a letter to his point of view on the ideology of gender and the law against the "LGTBIfobia". Now, the director of the school has fifteen days to present allegations.

freedom in Spain, under threat

This penalty gives the reason to the newly created Platform for the Freedoms that in your Manifest points to that freedom in Spain is threatened by the approval of laws in totalitarian, under the pretext of fighting the "LGTBIfobia", try to impose an ideology.

The Platform for the Freedoms he has promised, also, that these laws prevent the will have a say in freedom under penalty of sanction, to deny the right to the freedom of those who do not share the ideology of gender and offend against the freedom of education, and the right of parents to educate their children according to their own convictions.

Denounced the 'nonsense' to impose an ideology by force of sanctions

the persecution against The catholic center John Paul II and his director began last September, when in a letter to the families of the college, noted that "our politicians are depicted to generate problems non-existent and to complicate things" and instead of "defend the family and our christian roots", involved in developing "laws as absurd as the Law on Gender Ideology, adopted in the Assembly of Madrid".

In the letter denounced the "barbarity" which are supposed to "dispense with the truth of the natural man and of the inalienable right of parents to the education of the children." Also, it is claimed that the gender ideology is a scheme doomed to dissolution and failure. Below, a fragment of the text by the director of the mentioned centre has been sanctioned:

"How awful to dispense with the natural truth of man and the inalienable right of parents to the education of the children! What a dogmatism accuse of discrimination to those who think different!!! What a nonsense to try to impose an ideology by force of sanctions! The lie is always afraid of the light of truth and to contrast the ideas. The resemblance with the fanatical terrorist is disturbing."

Held, also, that there are "bishops brave that have clear pastoral role of educators and witnesses of the truth". This statement was made in reference to the bishops of Alcalá de Henares and Getafe, who have condemned the "attack on religious freedom and the freedom of conscience" posed by the law of LGBT adopted in recent months in the Community of Madrid.

After a complaint from an association of LGBT that had access to this letter, the department of Education of the Community of Madrid ordered an inspection of the college and the department of Social Policy opened an investigation to assess whether the content of the letter violated the law against "LGTBfobia". In addition, the Community of Madrid sent to the public Prosecutor the letter to investigate if your content engaged in possible criminal offence.

The Inspection of Education of the Community of Madrid, concluded that the letter from the director of the school John Paul II did not violate the laws and regulations governing the concerts and that he had not, therefore, grounds for revocation of the concert educational. In addition, the inspection found that the families of the college, John Paul II consulted claimed to be "very happy" with the education their children receive at this center of ideas catholic.


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