Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Demand the urgent attention of the authorities the violence against women – The Options

Mexico.- Despite the fact that the different types and modalities of violence against women are provided for in the Law on Access of Women to a Life Free of Violence, and some penal codes criminalising harassment and sexual harassment, political violence and femicide, there are challenges to eradicate it and to ensure the rights of women, said Norma Inés Aguilar León, Fourth -, Visitor-General of the National Commission of Human Rights (CNDH).

In the framework of the Talk Solutions to the violence to women, by a high gender-based violence in the public and private realms, he stressed that violence against women is exercised in all areas, and demand urgent attention, particularly of all the institutions of the State, without disregarding that the society can contribute a lot to achieve the eradication of this great problem.

Accompanied by Monica Gonzalez Contró, Attorney General of the UNAM; Carlos Javier Echarri Cánovas, a Professor Researcher at El Colegio de Mexico, and Maria Guadalupe Diaz Estrada, Director-General of Mainstreaming a Gender Perspective of the INMUJERES, said that from the school environment, the recognition by itself of the violence has been a challenge for the educational institutions, as a means to support and name the set of practices that shape abuses of power that harm the self-esteem, health, integrity, the freedom and the safety of the victims. All this, in many cases for reasons of gender, which hinders the development of women and the equality between them and men.

The undermining of human rights of women is also manifested in the political sphere, which directly violate the rights of women, but in a broader sense affect the right to integrity and to a life free of violence. In this way, limiting the possibility for women to not only vote but also be elected and that their triumphs are recognized and are allowed to exercise functions without being questioned for their gender and without being compromised by it.

In the event, where he also participated Zoila Jose Juan, exdiputada oaxaca; Flavio Galván Rivera, author of Electoral Law and Procedural Electoral in Mexico, and Elsa Guadalupe Conde Rodríguez, Director General of the Program of Women’s Affairs and Equality between Men and Women of the national human rights COMMISSION, Aguilar Leon stressed the need to act against the violence feminicida, because it cancels all the rights of women to represent the violence more extreme, which is constituted by psychological abuse, physical and/or sexual that can be lived in the home or outside it.

"The actions constitutive of the violence feminicida are committed in a systematic manner and remain in good measure by the impunity," he said.

For her part, Mónica González Contró pointed out that the main victims of gender-based violence in the universities are women and girls, so that the UNAM issued a Protocol of care in cases of gender-based violence, on the 29th of August, which is a series of lines of action to work towards equality and eradication of that evil.

The above, because of 2003 to march of 2016, the Unit of Attention to Complaints and Denunciations and the law Offices processed 396 complaints of harassment, abuse and sexual harassment, discrimination, gender-based violence, immoral acts and rape. He noted that since August of this year to date there have been 81 cases of gender-based violence, which are on the rise because women are closer to report.

Carlos Javier Echarri stressed that in order for the mexican State to have public policies that are efficient and effective, it is necessary to have hard data that allow to know the dimensions of violence against women and what we need to do, as in practice not to conduct research with a gender perspective, appropriate when it comes to violent deaths in order to identify and register femicides. He added that the entities which are recorded more cases are Chihuahua, State of Mexico, Guerrero, Tamaulipas and Oaxaca.

Another serious problem –he said— is that only 41.2% of the physicians are trained to detect in women some kind of violation of their rights, such as sexual abuse, psychological, intra-family, among others, to report to the Public Ministry.

Maria Guadalupe Diaz Estrada indicated that a way of visualising the extreme violence against women is through the alerts of gender in the states of the country, because it is a problem that tears apart the tissues of social and family, and hinders the development and progress of the country.

he Said that much remains to be done, as in several places the deaths of women are not resolved because impunity persists in 92% of cases, and there are no lines of investigation of the facts. Some states have never recorded femicides, because they do not feature elements of the criminal code to sanction or punish this crime; hence, the urgency of introducing such elements.

Zoila José Juan emphasized that Oaxaca has a different reality, with 15 indigenous peoples. In addition to the people afromexicano, there are 570 municipalities, of which 417 are governed by internal regulatory systems and 153 by the regime of political parties. He noted that it is the first state that legislates on political violence against women.

however –that said— the participation of women in decision-making positions at the community, municipal and state and federal governments is still scarce and is further complicated when you have not been to school, by discrimination, by their culture, by being adults, or live in conditions of impoverishment.

Flavio Galván Rivera mentioned that only six states in the country have criminalized the offence of violence against the woman, so you have to legislate, train and educate the general population so that this problem is not the feature of the society, but a struggle for equality.

Finally, Norma Inés Aguilar León reiterated the commitment of the COMMISSION to participate in and track all alerts of gender through visits in situ, in addition to the follow-up to the recommendations that have been made to the states to comply with the necessary actions and be the case, this National Body could issue a Recommendation


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