Madrid. The Constitutional Court of Spain ruled in a new ruling, the illegality and quashed the resolution of the Catalan Parliament in which it called for a referendum of self-determination for the next year.
The ruling came in a week in which they were detained several activists and Catalan members of parliament by burning photos of the head of the Spanish State, king Felipe VI.
The discourse of the Spanish government, chaired by the conservative Mariano Rajoy, is to redirect the dialogue with the Catalan institutions and the independence sector, the majority in the society and in the regional Congress.
As occurred in previous decisions, the judges of the Constitutional Court took up the petitions and arguments of the State attorney, who agreed to the temporary suspension of paragraphs appealed, a suspension occurs automatically when so requested by the Spanish government. The high court further agreed to notify personally the suspension of the president of the Parliament of Catalonia, Carme Forcadell, and to the other members of the Bureau of the Parliament, the secretary general of the Parliament of Catalonia, as well as the president and other members of the governing Council of the Generalitat.
The full warned them of their duty to “prevent or cripple” any initiative that suppose to ignore or circumvent the suspension agreed upon and realized the “possible responsibilities, including criminal, that may be incurred".
The president of the National Assembly of Catalonia (ANC), Jordi Sánchez, stated that in no case will change the roadmap marked for separation from the Spanish State. "We have a democratic horizon, the referendum, and there the citizens will speak. The institutions of the State should know already at this stage that they are not going to be able to silence the will of the majority of our people."
member of parliament and spokesperson of the Candidacy of Popular Unity (CUP), Anna Gabriel, criticized the resolution and the strategy of the Spanish government to "undermine dialogue". Also criticized has been imprisoned and interrogated militants and members of his party that burned publicly photos of Felipe VI as a protest to the arrests and summary court cases against the activists, who could be sentenced to up to six years in prison.
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