Tuesday, December 6, 2016

We can: PP and PSOE violated “systematically,” the Constitution – Hispan TV (press Release)

The political party that the Spanish we Can complaint that the governments of the PP and the PSOE have been violated and are violated 'systematically' the Constitution of Spain.

"in Front of those self-proclaimed constitutionalists, there is to say in the first place are the same ones that violate it daily for a good part of the articles of the Constitution", has criticized this Tuesday the secretary of Organization of we Can, Pablo Echenique.

In statements made to journalists before attending the act of remembrance of the 38 years of the Constitution, which is celebrated in the Congress, Echenique has thus referred to the governing Popular Party (PP) and the Spanish Socialist workers Party (PSOE).

in Front of those self-proclaimed constitutionalists, there is to say in the first place are the same ones that violate it daily for a good part of the articles of the Constitution," says the secretary of Organization of we Can, Pablo Echenique.

The militant, to allude to the right to work, to adequate remuneration, to decent housing, or pensions, has insisted that you should consider the Magna Carta the "best" for the country of the mainland, in the face of a future and necessary reform as a "starting point", and not "as a kind of vase of chinese that you can not touch".

Echenique has remembered, moreover, that in european countries such as Germany, the Constitution has been changed to "about 60 times" during the past few years, and has regretted that in Spain only have been carried out two specific reforms, and one of them was in 2011 to "get the cattle brand of the foreign banks".

In this context, he evoked on that date, when he was president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (2004-2011), priority was not given to the Dependency Law, health care or education, but "preferred to make a reform for the interests of the Deutsche Bank."

Supporting the stance of his party to change the Constitution in the light of new times, has advocated for respect for its text and not "rape systematically as done by the governments of the PP and the PSOE".

The secretary general of we Can, Pablo Churches, has promised previously that his political formation will push for changes in the Constitution to reform the electoral system, ensure judicial independence, entrench social rights, prevent corruption, and to assume the 'right to decide'.

however, it should be noted that the president of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy, has not ruled in August 2015 for a possible revision of the Constitution in the next legislature, something that still has not materialized, perhaps, in large part, due to the political uncertainty that lived in Spain a year ago and that ended with the investiture of Rajoy.



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