In 1924, aiming to fight animal diseases at the global level was created the International Office of Epizootics and in 2003 became the World Organisation for Animal Health, but retained its acronym historical OIE.
The OIE is the intergovernmental organisation responsible for improving animal health in the world, and ensures that its main mission is to "Improve the health and welfare of animals around the world despite the cultural practices or the economic situation of the countries and of the men and women of our planet". In addition, the OIE declares that his general view can be summed up in the motto “to Protect animals and preserve our future.”
The animal welfare was identified as one of the priorities of the third Strategic Plan of the OIE for the period 2001 to 2005 and it has pledged to improve the welfare of animals on a global scale and to promote a positive relationship between man and the animals.
according To the OIE, animal welfare refers to the way in which an animal is coping with the conditions of their environment. An animal is in a good state of welfare if (as indicated by scientific evidence) it is healthy, comfortable, well nourished, safe, able to express innate behaviour, and if it is not suffering from unpleasant states such as pain, fear, and distress. The good conditions of animal welfare require disease prevention and administer veterinary treatment, they must be protected, managed and properly fed, and that they manipulate and mate in a compassionate way.
just A few days after launched the investigation of Animal Equality about the multiple violations of the rules mandatory in the field of Animal Health and Welfare in mexico and the brutality with which they were treated animals in municipal slaughterhouses in Mexico, including several in the state of Jalisco, the Guadalajara city becomes the venue of the 4th International Conference of the OIE on animal welfare under the theme "animal Welfare for a better world", a great fallacy.
With nearly 800 attendees to the congress began with the words of Joaquín Braulio Delgadillo Álvarez, Director General of Animal Health of the National Service of Health, food Safety and Quality (SENASICA) and delegate of Mexico to the OIE, who assured the audience that "it is Not a theme foreign to the regulation of health in Mexico, having rules that allow the proper handling, transport and slaughter of animals, and to have full concordance with the criteria and regulations of the OIE", a statement crowned by the assistant secretary of Food and Competitiveness of the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (Sagarpa), Ricardo Aguilar Castillo said that the Government of Peña Nieto "has as its objective to encourage and support the implementation of Animal Welfare standards".
No one mentioned that in Mexico, regulations only exist on paper. That animals are killed so bloody, giving them electric shocks, hanging, apuñalándolos and degollándolos being fully aware. Maybe not what they said because of the Health Code for Terrestrial Animals of the OIE, in his Chapter on Sacrifice of Animals, expressly points out that the common practices in the Traces of Mexico should not be performed.
it Would be very interesting to know the opinion of the OIE with respect to what happens every day at the centers, slaughter of our country, your host of this occasion, which is why we go, and we divvy up among the guests, especially those with positions within the OIE, the information revealed by our research.
we Deliver videos, as well as the enumeration of the violations of the legislation, with the hope of some of them understand the urgency of acting now that one of their member countries is not doing what is necessary to prevent the harassment to which they subjected the animals and we emphasize to our government, especially Sagarpa and Senasica, the urgency of complying with the rules of the that they welcomed in their speeches.
at The close of the event we go with our project of virtual reality iAnimal for those who take the decisions that impact the animals in the world, can live the experience of being one of them in farms and slaughterhouses.
The reality in Mexico for pigs, cows, sheep, goats and poultry that are slaughtered for human consumption is a complete disregard to recognize that need protection. In Mexico violate the standards of Animal Welfare and there is no political will.
Up to today, 51 thousand 500 signatures to demand the strengthening of the laws of our country, showing that the citizens of mexico impacted them to know the truth of what suffering the animals considered of consumption, and have opened the eye to a really heartbreaking: to the caretakers of the animal welfare in Mexico, they don’t care about the animals.
To learn about the investigation of Animal equality Mexico about the treatment of animals in slaughterhouses go to and to help them, you can sign the petition that there are, and consider reducing your consumption of meat.
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