From 19 years ago, every December 10, is claimed to the world level by the awareness and respect equal to all species
From 19 years ago, in addition to commemorating the International Day for Human Rights (see page 31), each 10 of December, in dozens of countries, celebrated the International Day for the Rights of Animals. The choice of the date is a result of a claim extensive of respect towards all living beings.
For this reason, in this day is carried out in many different pedagogical activities, and organizations protectionist take the opportunity to develop actions of high media impact, generate social awareness on human exploitation and animal abuse.
The commemoration of this day was started in the year 1997, when, with a broad global consensus, set the date to highlight on the public agenda the systematic violation of the rights in question.
But the concern of the international community by the animals originated two decades before. In 1977, Unesco adopted the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Animal, which was subsequently endorsed by the UN. In its 14 articles are condensed to four fundamental rights: the right to life, to not be tortured, to live freely and not to be considered as a property of the human being.
In the spirit of that statement was transmitted to a current debate: the equality between all species. "The man, in both animal species, cannot assume the right to exterminate other animals or to exploit them, and have the obligation to put their knowledge at the service of the animals", it is stated in your second article. The first is even more general: "All animals are born equal before the life and have the same rights to existence."
In the past few years have generated progress in this area. The most recent case, and close by is the orangutana "Sandra": after 20 years of captivity, a judge in buenos aires granted in October 2015, a writ of habeas corpus by regarding it as a "subject of rights".
however, the agencies protectionist recognize a great backwardness in the subject, especially in regard to animals destined for human consumption, used as guinea Pigs by the pharmaceutical industry and those who are jailed for their exhibition.
Now, in our city, the Municipality is moving forward with the task of reconversion from the local Zoo into a Biopark, moving different species in open habitats. The action seeks to promote concrete progress in the matter.
Recommendations of the College of Veterinarians
Another year is ending, and, on the eve of the festivities, the pets begin to suffer the effects of the use of pyrotechnics. The College of Veterinarians of the Province of Buenos Aires provided, as all the years, different preventive recommendations.
"The high sensitivity that have the animals to sound stimuli intense exposed to pets a lot of stress due to excess of noise and explosions. After each celebration of Christmas and the New Year grows the number of lost pets", stressed from the agency. As prevention, recommended "to locate the pets in a room where you are comfortable, with food, water and some sound with which they are familiar", such as radio or television.
in Addition, it was recalled that, if possible, you should identify the pet with a sheet that has a phone to locate the owners.
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