Boys and girls, young people, students, and parents participated in the activities developed in Peru for the promotion of science, technology and technological innovation.
research Institutes, universities, cultural spaces, laboratories, corporations and other entities organized different activities in Loreto, Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, Cajamarca, San Martín, La Libertad, Ancash, Huánuco, Junín, Huancavelica, Cusco, Arequipa, Tacna, among other cities.
North Plaza
In Lima, in the Commercial Center Plaza Norte, it was presented the Fair Peru with Science 2016, with more than 60 scientific research projects, technological development and technological innovation.
thousands of visitors were able to learn about attractions such as the digital Fabrication Laboratory of Esan, the Planetarium and 3D Geophysical Institute of Peru or the Fab lab mobile Tecsup among other exhibits.
Large and small saw near projects for the development of life on mars, or the detection of dengue with a single drop of blood, as well as prototypes for clean water from oil spills, and drones that monitor from the air the effects of climate change on agriculture.
The little ones enjoyed the shows scientists of Mad Science, Experimagia, Experimentores and Diviérte and Learns of the UPCH, where they mixed experiments, magic and games, and that they aroused the curiosity and interest of children for science.
Under the slogan "science has the power", this year the goal of the event was that the attendees know innovative projects capable of transforming the world and know that in Peru, children, young people and adults are developing and investigating solutions to various problems of the country through science.
Eureka 2016
In the same place also was the School Fair, National Science and Technology-Eureka, which is carried out from 26 years ago with the aim of promoting and stimulating the curiosity for science at all boys and girls in Peru.
The event came more than 200 students from 26 delegations to present their research and projects in four categories: basic Sciences, Technology and engineering, Environmental Sciences and social Sciences.
Were in school in the regions of Arequipa, Pasco, and Puno that were the winners. It is the students Alfred Chillitupa Quispihuanca and Alex Rodrigo Palacín, The Tower of the College of High Performance (COAR); and students Brayan Miguel Maidana Lopez and Santiago Mauricio Valdivia Cervantes of the I. E. San Juan Bautista de La Salle Arequipa, in the categories: Basic Sciences and Environmental Sciences.
Likewise, the young women Adriana Coryn Casimiro Salazar and Koraima Elizabeth Tamayo Cisneros of the I. E. San Francisco de Asís de Pasco in the category: Technology and Engineering; and Light in Castle Clash and Allison Gabriela Ramos Olvea of the I. E. P. Light Andean Queen of the Americas of Puno, in the category of Social Sciences.
The first place you can enter in the fair-Intel-Isef 2017, which will be held in the united States. second place will participate in the Fair Mostratet, which will be held in Brazil, while the winner of the third place will participate in the Science Fair which will be held in Mexico.
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