The Spanish Air force mobilized on Thursday, two fighter jets F-18 to monitor the activities of a hunting Russian Sujoi-35 (Su-35).
The flight of a hunting Russian forced the Army of the Spanish Air to activate two combat aircraft from the bases of Torrejon, and Zaragoza "watch in the distance" the activity of the device Russian, according to this Tuesday military supplies to the Spanish daily ABC.
"The aircraft Spanish maintained surveillance of the traces (the hunting Russian) without the need to intercept it", explained the sources, who underline that this type of missions are routine, and there has been no any kind of tension in the operation.
The aircraft Spanish maintained surveillance of the traces (the hunting Russian) without the need to intercept it", they have indicated the sources used by Spanish military.
This type of missions, emphasizes the newspaper, are known in the slang military as "scramble" and are launched on for identify the position of an aircraft suspicious.
The hunting Russian, indicate the sources, yet it flew by in no time, territory or city in spain, nor in any territorial waters of national. “When you get to cape San Vicente, and always in international waters, the hunting Russian gave half a turn", have detailed.
One of the fighter planes, Spanish was sent in parallel with the Portuguese border (by the communities of Castilla y León, Extremadura and Huelva) to follow the path of the fighter in Russian, while the other stood in the area of the gulf of Cádiz (south).
In this operation, of which he was notified of the Organization North Atlantic Treaty (NATO), also participated in Portuguese territory, an F-16 fighter of this country.
According to the version of the source military, Russia has not notified previously of the flight plan of the game and supposedly also did not respond to the identification signals.
Situations similar to the flight of the hunting Russian in international waters close to the zone of influence of Portugal, will occur at times in the baltic states, where NATO has deployed a mission in the air. In the area of the southwest Mediterranean is less common.
This flight takes place almost a month after the group air-naval aircraft carrier Russian Admiral Kuznetsov through the strait of Gibraltar on its way to Syria to participate in the mission against terrorism in Russian.
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