Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Spain: the Rector of the public university ‘Rey Juan Carlos’ plagiarized a president of the Royal Academy of History – correo del Orinoco

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Spain: Rector of the public university 'Rey Juan Carlos' plagiarized a president of the Royal Academy of History

November 22, 2016 | comment

this Is the fourth copy and paste documented rector’s Fernando Suarez. Picked up entire paragraphs without citing Antonio Rumeu de Armas, academic and National Prize of Literature. This public university of Madrid, which manages 123 billion of public money through the Community

the rector of the public university Rey Juan Carlos, located in Madrid, Fernando Suarez, copied and pasted whole pages from the work of a professor, a thesis, of an advisor of his yearbook and also of the legal authority and president of the Royal Academy of History.

again, with an article and again in a book coordinated by the professor of Law of the University of Burgos Rafael Sánchez Domingo, to whom the rector, I copied and pasted an article. This teacher has responded to the is through an email and denies having been a victim of plagiarism. "The fragments are of common access and integrate the cultural heritage widespread", he concludes, as he criticized "a campaign of discredit" against Suárez. the has been able to confirm that the e-mail response on the plagiarism will be sent to other people, at least to Rogelio Pérez Bustamante, professor, precisely, of the URJC and exrector of the same university.

This is a new case of paragraphs patterned. In the same year he was elected the highest authority (2013), the rector Fernando Suárez published Of the aboriginal indians, a text that was part of the book The Laws of Burgos of 1512. The text of Suarez picks up whole paragraphs of the work politica indigenista de Isabel La Católica, published more than four decades earlier, in 1969, by the member and president of the Royal Academy of History (RAH) Antonio Rumeu de Armas, who quotes a time.

Rumeu is not a profile either. In addition to a professor in several universities in spain, gave a class at prestigious universities such as Georgetown (Washington). He was a member and president of the Royal Academy of History. And also won. among others, the National Prize for Literature.

This academic was also a partner in the RAH of the father rector, Luis Suárez, professor as the child and that, in addition to the president of the Guild Valley of the Fallen, is well known for being the author of the entry on Francisco Franco in the Diccionario Biográfico Español, where he described the dictator as "smart" and "not totalitarian".

Rumeu and the father rector were a time sharing academy being the first as president and the second as a member (since 1993).

An extensive comparative circulating in the academic sphere also refers to other plagiarism in that same text of four other authors: Maria Saavedra, Beatriz Fernandez Herrero, Luis Rojas and Ildefonso Gutierrez. Stand out entire paragraphs of copy-and-paste, including in some cases the errata.

The vice-chancellor and the University Rey Juan Carlos, funded with 123 million of public money through the budget of the autonomous Community of Madrid, continue to ignore the questions of the



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