address emergency situations that receive the public hospitals involving women who were victims of gender-based violence, from the Observatory of Violence against Women Rosana Alderete is working on a protocol for action in the hospitals in the face of these cases informs New Journal.
So I mentioned it to one of the members of the Board of the Observatory, Alfonsina Morales, indicate that the possibility has emerged with the experience that you had in the Hospital of the Miracle. the "You acted for the common sense," said Morales, holding that it was in this situation that they resolved to begin with the creation of a protocol.
Among the experiences are the allegations of attempts of abuse within the hospital, but also the events registered when the partners or former partners of the women went to the hospital to see the women (already admitted), and ending or being reduced by the security forces or by logging in and creating a new situation of violence.
Moral did your consideration in the framework of the meeting to set up the first Advisory Council for Healthcare of the Hospital San Bernardo.
This contribution of the references in the Observatory aims to generate the tools to respond to situations of gender-based violence that come directly to the hospitals and that in many cases are home to the women in a situation of greater vulnerability.
Participation of the civil society
The Advisory Council, provided for by the law that provides for the self-management of public hospitals (a regulation promulgated in 1996), the goal is for members of the civil society are part of the actions developed by the hospital through its references.
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