Madrid, nov 17 (.).- The Council of Ministers will approve tomorrow a new list of appointments to senior positions, among them the new secretary of State for Security and the responsible of the Civil Guard and National Police, as well as the president of the Commission National of the Market of values (CNMV).
José Antonio Nieto Ballesteros will be appointed secretary of State for Security; the magistrate of the Audience of Seville José Manuel Holgado, will be the new director of the Civil Guard and the first lieutenant of mayor of Badajoz, Germán López Iglesias, head of the National Police.
Also, according to sources familiar with these appointments, the Council of Ministers will give the nod to the proposal of the minister of the Interior, José Ignacio Zoido, Gregorio Serrano, council member of the city Council of Seville, is in charge of the General Directorate of Traffic, a position vacant since a few months after the resignation of Mary Followed her.
The new number two of the Interior, spokesman of the PP in the commission of the Public Administrations of the Congress, will relieve to Francisco Martinez as the head of the State Security Forces, while Jose Manuel Holgado replaces Arsenio Fernández de Mesa, and Germán López to Ignacio Cosidó.
Moreover, the Council of Minister will approve the proposal for Sebastian Abella is the new president of the Commission National of the Market of Values (CNMV).
tomorrow will be the third meeting of the new Council and the first that will not be presided over by Mariano Rajoy because it is in Berlin to participate in a meeting of european leaders with the president of the united States, Barack Obama, and then hold a bilateral with the German chancellor, Anegala Merkel.
thus, the meeting of the Cabinet will be headed by the vice-president of the Executive, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría.
At the meeting of last Friday has already approved the appointment of several secretaries of State and other senior officials, and in the morning there will be more decisions to fill positions in the various ministries and agencies.
So, is expected to propose to the Congress that Sebastian Abella, partner at the law firm Linklaters, is the new chairman of the securities and exchange commission.
in Addition, will present to the vice president of the supervisor corresponds to the maximum responsible of the Institute of Accounting and Accounts Auditing (ICAC), Ana María Martínez-Pina.
The Council shall appoint as the new secretary of State for Trade, Maria Luisa Poncela Garcia, in substitution of Jaime García-Legaz, which will be proposed to preside over the Spanish Insurance Company for Export Credit (Cesce).
in Addition, Pablo Zalba will be appointed president of the Official Credit Institute (ICO).
it is Also expected that Carmen Martínez Castro will be ratified as the secretary of State for Communication, because although it remains in the same position, it is necessary to meet the processing due to which before depended on the Ministry of the Presidency, and now the Secretariat is directly linked to the Presidency of the Government.
José Ramón Lete Lasa, until now general director of sports of the regional Government of Galicia and a former player of basketball in clubs such as Students, CAI Zaragoza, Breogán of Lugo, Obradoiro and Bosco de Vigo, will probably be the new president of the Superior Council of Sports (CSD) in replacement of Miguel Cardinal.
Another appointment will be that of the current director general of Vocational Training, Ángel de Miguel Casas, as president of the School Council of the State.
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