Monday, November 21, 2016

Those affected by the new Selectivity: “we will Not be able to” – Hypertext

The new Selectivity, supposedly very similar to the present, has aroused the ire of teachers and students after the publication of the ministerial order that regulates the exams and cleared up in part the doubts that existed about how it was going to be. Such anger, that the Ministry has retracted because of a few points.

The minister Méndez Vigo had previously said that the test would be: “Very much like the old PAU, but Education will be more competition on the content of the examination, respecting the autonomy of the autonomous communities”.

60% written and 40% oral exam of English

however, in the initial text, in the have been working together with the Ministry of Education and the minister Méndez, collected, on the one hand, the written portion of a Foreign Language will count 60% and the oral 40%. And on the other, that would also be mandatory examination Philosophy, although the subject matter is only delivered in 1, whatever was the specialty of the student.

The removal of History of Philosophy as a compulsory subject in the final year of high school, which disappeared from the curriculum with the reform of the PP, does that Philosophy only is delivered in the first year, which means that the students are a whole academic year without giving new or refresh the old stuff, to then face a test that decides, according to the opinion of many, the outcome of their future.

Due to this controversial discontent, this Friday, the Ministry of Education has given in to the pressure of the autonomies, and the majority of the educational community and has been removed from the reválidas some of the more controversial issues. Thus, in the final exam of high school now only enter the core subjects general to the second course, that assumes that eventually there will come the Philosophy of first or it will be possible to choose the optional subjects from the first course.

This is one of the points in the most discontented were the teachers like Beatrice, who has decided not to share his full name to avoid possible roces: “If we were given time to adequately prepare our classrooms and our students for the test, the problem would be less. What happens is that we are in November and we still don’t know exactly how it’s going to be, we don’t have more than a few general guidelines that provide little information”.

For its part, the kids that we have asked the opinion all the same, do not see themselves capable and were a little logical that I would like to examine subjects first when they are already overwhelmed with just to remember this year:

“we will Not be able to. I am in 2nd year of Social Sciences and last year saw the subject above. We were not prepared for such a test, so study this again on our own, when some do not retain notes or books, and a lot less time, it will be an impossible challenge. Have known previously that it would be assessable, many of us would have studied this year. Sometimes we are not able to remember an entire syllabus of a course, as to do it in two…”.

Beatriz regard to the subjects of the first says that it is not inconsistent but thoughtless: “Have tried to include in the test subjects of 1 without continuity in 2nd is very inconsiderate, but you must keep in mind that these tests are tests of stage, around the high school, which is not inconsistent with the spirit with which they are conceived. Yes, the kids who are playing to enter a career or to another, or to holder, as can occur later, I do not think that this will seem a comfort.”

on the other hand, as we mentioned, after many years of intentions frustrated, complaints and criticisms with regard to the shortage of “real” language competence foreign with the emerging Spanish students of secondary education, this year is implanted for the first time, the oral test of Foreign Language in the entrance test to the university and, in addition, with a percentage negligible of the total of the note; you will have 40%. For the moment, have not backed down from this point.

Teacher: “I am not a specialist in English, but I’d venture to say that, as are the ratios, with 40 students in a class, it is difficult to practice the oral skills properly. And the problem is not unique to high school, coming from behind. In a class THAT, with 30 boys and girls, it is practically impossible to work on that aspect”.

Student: “The percentage is excessive. Just speak in English class since we don’t have time (3 hours a week), as we do not "listening", leaving aside that some course —as is my case— you have a professor that hands, getting to lose the level achieved until then. Learning a language is impossible without hearing it and speaking it, a thing that is not viable in schools and colleges”.

In other news, the test will no longer be compulsory for students who do not wish to pursue university studies and in the content of the exam, you will be able to include for the first time questions type test, which is technically known as “multiple choice answers” while the rest will be known as the “open” and “half-open” (short answers and development) being competence of the autonomous communities how many put of each type (up to 50% the maximum-type test) and its configuration. The faculty in this regard, does not reject but also not too trusting in their implementation:

“I Think that can be useful in some subjects, provided that they are not the entire exam, but in others have little meaning. If we are walking to the standardized tests, the models with a single response, I think we’re going in the wrong direction.”

So, in the end, in the final exam of high school that replaces the selectivity will only enter the core subjects-general of the second year, which means eventually it will go into the Philosophy and will be a revalidation of 2nd year of high school very similar to the Tests of Access to the University (PAU) finiquitadas by the Lomce.

The exams will be done in four days, everyone will have a duration of 90 minutes and at least leave a 20 minute break between one and another. The call for the course 2016-2017 is scheduled to be done before the 10 of June, and the results should be published before the 24th of the same month. We will see how to face the next college this extra complexity, and if they go well unemployed it.


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