Picture: EVG3.com
Nov 24, 2016
The 25 November marks the international day of no violence against women. On this historical date is reminiscent of the murder committed in 1960 in the Dominican Republic of the Mirabal sisters, opponents to the regime of that time of Leónidas Trujillo in addition to making essential to the struggle for the compliance and guarantees the right of women to a life free of violence.
In this sense, one of the objectives of the First Feminist Encuentro for Latin america and the Caribbean carried out in Colombia in 1981 and in the participation of women’s organizations from Mexico, Dominican Republic, Chile, Venezuela and Peru consisted of addressing the crucial aspects for the women, as they are the social struggles, political participation, and sexuality. Also it was suggested to promote the establishment of this date for the elimination of all forms of violence committed against women in the world.
likewise, the resolution 54/134 issued by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1999 declared this date as international day, in addition to provide 16 days of activism which seek to make visible and raise awareness concerning the obligation of putting an end to gender-based violence.
The UN General Assembly defined it in 1993 as "any act of violence based on gender that causes women death, damage or suffering physical, sexual or psychological, both in the public and private spheres" is a serious crime. On this aspect, it is worthwhile to make mention of types of violence, such as domestic, occupational, financial, media, symbolic and obstetric to which are subjected the women in daily life and in which they are violated of their rights.
According to the United Nations and the World Health Organization in 2015 35% of women have declared to have suffered some kind of physical or sexual violence-mainly by her partner, in a ratio of 1 of every 3 women. In the same way in 2012 the responsible for the murder of 1 out of every 2 women turned out to be the couple of the same.
On the report Data and Key Figures For The Overcoming Of Violence Against Women presented by the Corporation Human of Colombia in 2016, the main source of the violence committed against women is due to the unequal relations of historic character and structural between men and women.
Although in Colombia there are currently laws such as the 1257 of 2008 whose aim is to adopt rules to ensure women a life free of violence in the same way that you set the damage of psychological, sexual, physical, or wealth generated; the 1719 2014 is looking to ensure access to justice to victims of sexual violence, with priority to women and children; and the recent act 1761, 2015 known as the law on Rosa Elvira Cely in the defines and punishes femicide, “the high rates of impunity and violence continues to pass on a serious message that you can kill women,” said the writer, poet and jurist Isabel Agathon Santander.
why continue the violence?
In the study conducted by the Corporation is also evidenced by the persistence of cultural imaginaries which naturalize and normalize gender-based violence; in a survey it was observed that the 37% of people believe that women who dress provocatively expose themselves to being raped and 45% believes that women who remain with their partners after being battered is because they like them, this is one of the realities that reflect high levels of tolerance that underpin aggression and violence against them.
according To the data issued in 2015 by the office of the Prosecutor General of the Nation, in the last 10 years in Colombia have been opened 34.571 processes related to femicide, of which only in 3.658 cases have been presented sentences which indicates a percentage of impunity of over 90%.
In this same sense, the last communication submitted by the National Network Of Women Because Live We highlighted the obstacles faced by women in cases of violence; the lack of knowledge of the regulations, the difficulties for the access to justice, the re-victimization of women on the part of officials, achieve the social legitimation and naturalization of the violence, the lack of concrete actions on the part of the State, among others.
According to the Official data of the National Institute of Legal Medicine in 2015, every 3 days a woman died in the country in the hands of the man with whom he shared or had shared his life. For this year, women accounted for 86% of the population most affected by violence exerted by their partner: 47% favored by the permanent partner, and 29% for its excompañero.
in this regard, The inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States, in his rapporteurship on the Rights of Women says about the pattern of impunity systematic in cases of violence against women in the that there is a lack of investigation, punishment and reparations effective is which increases the levels of mistrust of women in the system of administration of justice.
at the same time, it highlights the double discrimination that are suffered by women in gaining access to judicial actions against acts of violence and discrimination perpetrated against them, it is the case of the afro-colombian whom suffer forms of exclusion for being women and for being african.
According to the report submitted by UN Women in 2016, the levels of impunity regarding cases of femicide in the world are 98%.Of the 25 countries with higher levels of violence is exerted against women, 14 are in Latin america.
Resolution 54/134 of the General Assembly of the UN: International day for the Elimination of the Violence with… by Contagioradio on Scribd
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