Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Days for the inclusion of persons with disabilities – Without Clamp

The Ministry of Health of Santa Fe, through the secretariat for Inclusion of People with Disabilities, invites you to participate in the Provincial Day of Meeting and Exchange of experiences, which will be held this Wednesday simultaneously in the five regions santafesinas: Reconquista, Rafaela, Santa Fe, Rosario and Venado Tuerto.

The activity, in addition to becoming in a space of coexistence of people with and without disabilities, will serve as an act of commemoration of the first 10 years of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted by the Organization of the United Nations (UN).

This fact determined the international legal framework on the aspects that guarantee the right to the inclusion of people with disabilities in the areas of educational, occupational, labor, artistic expression, or entertainment.

Take part of the event, people with a disability who proposed the story of their own experiences, taking as axes, many of the articles stated in the convention with the aim of promoting the treatment integral to achieving a society more inclusive and accessible.


<< Region 1 Node Reconquista: lounge Neighborhood of Barrio Parque Industrial Missions (1126) 9 to 12 hours. Query: discapacidadnodorqta@hotmail.com

<< Region 2 Node Rafaela: the head of the Node (Santa Fe 2771) 8:30 to 13 hours. Inquiries: (0342) 155353290 and elenainvin@hotmail.com

<< Region 3 Node Santa Fe: Festram (avenida Freyre 1635) from 8:30 to 16 hours. Query: discapacidadsantafe@santafe.gov.ar

<< Region 4 Node Rosary: Centro Cultural Fontanarrosa (San Martín 1080 3rd floor) from 9 to 17 hours. Query: discapacidadrosario@santafe.gov.ar and discapacidad@rosario.gov.ar

<< Region 5 Node Venado Tuerto: Civic Center Regional Venado Tuerto (July 9, 1765, at the corner of Route 8) from 9 to 15 hours. Query: discapacidadvenado@santafe.gov.ar


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