Sunday, July 3, 2016

We can close ranks behind results in elections –

The secretary general of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, denied the existence of an internal crisis and said his party went further strengthened after the general elections last Sunday in Spain.

“I think we can leave even more cohesive this process,” he said Iglesias told reporters before meeting with regional leaders called home training to analyze the reasons for the demobilization of . his constituency in the legislative elections of June 26

in the election six days ago, United we can electoral -Alliance between we and Izquierda Unida (IU) – won 71 seats, the same as both parties won by it separately in the December 20 general.

However, lost more than a million of the vote then reached by the two formations. The leader of the emerging group of center again ruled that loss of support was the result of the electoral agreement with IU or the development of a campaign of low profile, as they maintained some critics.

He stressed that within the alliance there is a match and a remarkable agreement on the analysis of the results, and insisted that there is a strong will to continue working together.

After meeting the previous day, representatives of IU, can and confluences Catalonia, Valencia and Galicia concluded that neither the fact presented in coalition or campaign were decisive to explain his defeat at the polls.

we are the party of the future, said the young college former professor, who emphasized in what has been achieved by Podemos, with just two years of life he became the third political force in the European country with more than five million votes.

in his view, after this “impressive” path the abode organization, the Popular party (PP, right), Socialist Spanish (PSOE, Social Democrat) and Citizens (center right) should reflect on the future.

“Now we are going to play be opposition and happen it traditional in our country. after being parliamentary opposition, because it governs, “emphasized

Churches considered yesterday that the fear of the unknown by its supporters was the main cause of the setback, which explains the frustration of their expectations and most surveys. A campaign of fear against we mobilized and concentrated the conservative vote, said in a statement the group anti-austerity.

The expectation Unidos Podemos in the repetition of the elections was to overcome the PSOE as second force and become alternative Real government against the PP, the conservative Mariano Rajoy.

Regarding the possibility of pacts, Iglesias said he did not talk to the PP, the most voted on Sunday but will continue to reach out to an executive from progressive parties.


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