Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Julian Assange appointment –

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with the celebration of sixty years, the Association of Journalists made a grand entrance to the Elderly . Filled with new energy under the leadership of Javiera Olivares, first woman elected in office, not only deals with the best performance and welfare of journalists. His biggest task now is the democratization of communications, a struggle with advances and setbacks in several countries of Latin America – only continent that has undertaken-and that our needs shouts

The International Seminar with. we celebrate this anniversary featured international exhibitors from first to address the key issues in the battle against media concentration and open to all voices plural system.

Among them stood out participation by video-conference superhero today in the fight for free expression: the Australian Julian Assange , director of digital media Wikileaks .With he could talk for 40 minutes from prison asylee at the Embassy of Ecuador in London and that many could follow via streaming .

four years is there prevented from leaving if I did ago, he would be arrested on charges of “sexual abuse” pretext that the great powers disguise punishment for spreading hateful truths, as US military torture their prisoners in Abu Ghraib, Iraq. And despite the dismissal already received UN still paying dearly for disseminating information and proven true.

A Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions of the UN studied the case and in February acquitted Assange. If the ruling was favorable, immediately they had to return his passport to leave freely from the Embassy of Ecuador. But this ruling is not binding, ie no obligation to abide by the Associated States. And there remains in his gilded prison, where – technological progress through – chatted with us on Tuesday, July 12 as a panelist Seminar “Freedom of Expression and Pluralistic Media Democracies of the World”

Assange is not a journalist itself. He prefers to be described as “activist a world of free information,” one in which crimes and offenses of rulers can move without gag. In his presentation at the event GAM supporter total investigative journalism he said, one that puts in check the power, which is not a function of professional journalists.

He expressed the great powers “seek to maintain all complex under a veil” and when those truths are discovered and published “are difficult to understand and require political knowledge” . In its goal of seeking truth in the era of communication revolution which we live today, he mentioned a necessary step for previous stages, as class consciousness promoted by Marx in past centuries and even before, by the revelation of Jesus that only the truth will set us free.

Furious opposition to spying on citizens by the great powers, he said that 81% of information passes through the computer giants Google and Facebook, which have attractive ways to steal information from its millions of users: YouTube and the same Facebook . Information made available to the discretionary use of hegemonic governments. As an example he said that the Sony group asked Google to ban Internet “Our discovery (in Wikileaks) of how the media recently intervened in the electoral process independence of Scotland “.

He predicted that this” capitalism surveillance “(or massive spying) will continue and that to defend ourselves against that and other damage, it is necessary that journalists are willing “lift the veil” that those powers hide their evil deeds and to achieve this we should specialize in knowledge and management of complicated techniques and infrastructures.

Joseph Farrell, a member of Wikileaks and its ambassador to the seminary, he said: we must learn to manage encrypted messages and “although this requires a lot of work, we should manage encryption” .A “journalism hacker” said on the same panel Colombian comunicólogo Omar Rincón, referring to the early Assange.

the Board of the Journalists Association agreed to join the global campaign today promotes freedom of Julian Assange, a martyr of freedom of expression in the world. As explained its ambassador Farrell, “he fought for our rights and that we must fight for it. Freedom for Julian Assange! “


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