Two million protesters on 11 September in Barcelona’s Meridiana (Photo)
the democratic path chosen, persistently negotiator (though no response from Madrid) has had significant impact on the world press
the approval of the conclusions of the study commission Process Constituent has already landed in some European capitals. the 72 votes of Parliament in favor of the resolution have been taken in the international environment as a confirmation of the Catalan institutions to move forward with the aim of forming a new independent state, and have He stressed that this will be disobeying the Spanish authorities. Everyone agrees that the battle with Madrid is served.
The American magazine Newsweek has echoed Parliament’s decision on Wednesday to stating that “Catalonia fight for independence despite the Spanish rejection”. The weekly explains that the discussion of the findings of the commission of the Constituent Process has been the result of a “work nine months,” which has been completed with some statements of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Raul Romeva, in The Guardian, where he defended the way he decided to take the Parliament.
the Guardian
the British newspaper makes a compilation of the events in recent months and emphasizes approval on Wednesday, which, they say, gives green light to “unilateral disengagement plan”. The Guardian emphasizes “angry” debate that has taken place today in Parliament, and announced the date of the confidence motion has revealed that President Puigdemont (to September 28). The newspaper gives voice to the counselor Romeva, who said that “we would have preferred the Scottish way”, but that the Spanish State “has left us feeling that we simply have no choice.”
the American middle Bloomberg explains that Parliament approved a plan to “secede from Spain,” including the creation of a Catalan Constitution. Bloomberg stresses that this is back to the Constitutional Court and “challenging” the Spanish prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, as he tries to form a government. the positions of Pedro Sanchez and Albert Rivera, contrary to the decision of Parliament are also specified.
The Washington Post
The American newspaper explained that approval on Wednesday allowing Catalonia to keep pushing towards secession, while highlighting that the government said it will take legal action against the Parliament.
Russian newspaper is based on the information published by El País, to say that “the Catalan Parliament has approved the secession of Spain”. Pravda complete your article with the results of the vote on Wednesday, noting that Ciutadans and the PP “abandoned” the hemicycle.
The Tribune
the French economic daily, last week and predicted a possible escalation of tension between Catalonia and Madrid in September, relocates the eye in the Catalan process. The Tribune highlights “abandonment” by Together for the Yes of one of their “creeds” so far, independence negotiated with Spain, after now “moderate” separatists recognized the “need to resort to unilateral way” .
with a photograph of a banner Together for Yes in the campaign of 27-S, the Portuguese newspaper Expresso summarizes approval today with a clear citation: “Catalonia is committed to proceed with secession with or without the support of Madrid”. The paper also includes the words Romeva expressed Wednesday in The Guardian, in addition to echo the 47.7% of Catalans who, according to the latest survey of CEO, “continue to advocate secession”, with a tendency to alza.-
Barcelona (INCAT-El .-
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