Narcís de Carreras Roques: “The potential of gasification that this country is very big”
Gas Natural Fenosa Mexico will take advantage of the opportunities presented by the country in the best conditions, to continue its growth both in renewable power generation and pipeline infrastructure for the supply of energy to end customers, among others.
In the latter, Narcís de Carreras Roques, Country Manager of the company, which invested over the next five years three billion pesos, as projected to grow four thousand kilometers in its gas pipeline network said.
He hoped that as they become freeing markets in Mexico, as a result of the Energy Reform, may in the future also supply electricity to residential and commercial customers.
___ What opportunities opened the Energy Reform in Mexico the company?
___En This country we are for 18 years, we are in 12 states in more than 50 cities, our will is to accompany the willingness of the Secretariat of Energy (Sener) massively gasify this country are doing, the rules are being adapted for that reality and there is a long way to go.
Monterrey is a modern city that is under the standards of any international city, more than 80 percent are already connected to gas and there is an established culture, other cities do not have it and we keep working on our business that is throwing and gas networks convince customers of the benefits of fuel that is safer, cheaper and more beneficial to the environment.
__On Based on these plans, what new cities would enter the country and involve investment growth of its gas pipeline network?
___En These have between 17 thousand or 18 thousand kilometers of pipelines in the country now, the plan we have for the next five years is to increase to reach 21 thousand kilometers of pipelines, according to current plans we have in the cities where we are already ; this represents an investment of three billion pesos and that’s what we will continue doing.
The gasification potential that this country is very large. In Monterrey, although 80 percent of the houses already have natural gas, we continue to grow at a rate of 50 to 60,000 new customers, and that is the fundamental goal we have.
Within the world of gas distribution appear business as vehicular natural gas, which is nothing to connect to our network of natural gas to a consumer of additional gas by an additional station, we connect businesses, industries, centers commercial.
___ What is the expectation in terms of power generation in the country?
___A Issue that we want to develop a lot and are laying the groundwork for this is the energy efficiency, which has a great potential in Mexico and finally we also have the generation of electricity. Here we have a large presence in natural gas generation, build and put into operation a wind farm in Oaxaca, in the process of incorporation of new power generation in this country, according to plans Sener, we are analyzing and accompanying these future generating opportunities in the renewable world, not only wind but also solar, which in Mexico is very relevant.
We have an approach that we have around the world in 2020, 3000 500 mega watts (MW) of additional power generation, from there the world is very big and invest that money in countries that offer the best opportunities, Mexico is one of those countries no doubt.
The plans would specifying the extent that they advance the procurement and energy sales mechanisms.
We are promoting and analyzing energy projects in different parts of the country.
___ When can we see them compete with the Federal Electricity Commission as to supply power to residential and commercial customers?
___En All countries that have gone through a process of releasing the energy sector, such as Mexico, the end is just reaching liberalization of the end customer, such as Europe, where the customer can choose the supplier; although it takes time.
I think Sener and all regulatory architecture being built with the Energy Reform go in the direction of free markets, I am convinced that this situation will end coming.
___ How important are Mexico operations for the company’s worldwide growth and what expectations are for this year?
___ Mexico accounts for between eight and nine percent of global Ebitda of Gas Natural Fenosa. The expectation of double-digit growth will; we are growing in the distribution of gas, which is the main business, nearly 150 thousand new customers and have reached the million country-level 600 thousand residential, domestic and commercial customers. Our ambition is to continue growing.
This year, our goal is to continue growing, up 10 percent at least. More than 50 percent of our customers are in Nuevo Leon.
We are a company that we connect to the network of a carrier and from there it is our responsibility to pull the nets and bring supplies to end customers.
Distribute gas and electricity in some countries, we are a networking company, we are not carriers, and scouts.
___ Monterrey are driving in the use of natural gas vehicles. How much is the market and estimate how much will be worth in five years as energy use in cars it is also being competed for electric and hybrid?
___Nosotros Not compete with anyone, here fits everyone, the issue is that everything has a business logic, I think natural gas vehicles have it for many reasons such as savings, it is friendly to the environment, is a Mexican fuel because there are many reservations, so it is a part of the solution and modernization of the transport sector. It will not be only gas cars, as there will be only electric, hybrid, gasoline or diesel only, the issue is that each type has its advantages. The market is worth a lot and we are competing in it.
Source: Sonia Coronado /
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