(CNN Spanish) -. Parliament emerged from elections last June 26 in Spain was constituted on Tuesday, while government formation remains uncertain
After the short previous legislature, the shortest in history, the 350 new MPs swore or promised their positions, according to the plan chosen, Tuesday amid uncertainty as the negotiations to form a government have not advanced
it was precisely the lack of agreement to form a government which led to the dissolution of the previous Parliament, left the polls on December 20 .
Although in the last elections in June the conservative Popular Party (PP) won more clearly than in December, still need the support of other parties to achieve the majority to govern.
The absolute majority in Spain is achieved with 176 seats. The PP obtained 37.
What I got and the Popular Party of Mariano Rajoy is president of Congress, which was held by Ana Pastor, former Minister of Public Works and very close to the Prime Minister in office.
it is expected that in the coming days, Pastor meets with king Philip VI to set the agenda of the round of contacts between the head of state and leaders of parliamentary groups.
After this round, Felipe VI nominate a candidate for the presidency of the government, to be submitted to the investiture debate in Congress.
If the candidate does not win on the first ballot, which is required -176 escaños- absolute majority, a second vote 48 hours later by simple majority votes in favor -more than negative -.
Mariano Rajoy, who is expected to be the candidate proposed- in recent days said it expects the first vote takes place on August 2.
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