Do not stop moving shocking news about the bombing in Nice last Thursday night shocked the world. In one of the weekends bloodiest in recent memory, since the terrorist attacks must be added the revolution in Turkey, which has left nearly a hundred dead, eyes still positions Monday in Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel , the truck driver who caused the slaughter in the French province. A new video, posted on the LiveLeak platform shows new images of Mohamed entering itself with the truck into the crowd, killing 84 people (ten children) and leaving more than a hundred wounded who were in the vehicle’s path.
The images were filmed by a witness who was recording musical performances and was surprised by the truck. As we have been counting these days, initially it mistook the noise proper celebrations of July 14, why anticipate very difficult not knowing what was actually happening. In the video motion is detected zigzag that the terrorist carried out with the truck, probably with the aim of killing as many people as possible. The bombing in Nice was as unexpected as cruel as the occasion of the celebrations were few who were celebrating in the great avenue that runs through the city.
Another detail that have known these days and has caught the attention of friends and strangers, as part of these devastating and incomprehensible terrorist actions, is selfie Mohamed Lahoualej Bouhlel delivery his brother hours before committing the brutal outrage . It was the last communication between them, since the terrorist was shot dead by police managed to stop the truck and the slaughter was taking place. Although the world is shocked by what happened, France fails to recover from the wave of terror that has the country as a protagonist.
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