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” will rise Friday to the Council of Ministers an agreement to bring to TC this decision as contrary to the judgment of September 2015 and the car last week asking the Catalan parliament to prevent any action contrary to the constitutional framework, “said the vice president in functions, Soraya Saenz de Santamaria.
the vice president said the government “said it would act and will act.”
therefore, Saenz de Santamaria said, the government “has instructed the General State Bar drafting a motion for execution “in order to” defend the constitutional order “.
the Government believes that the resolution of the Catalan Parliament” radically violates “the judgment of the TC last December 2, 2015 annulling independence process undertaken by the Catalan government.
in addition, the Executive understood that the Catalan Parliament also violated his decision on Wednesday the order of July 9, wherein the TC noted that the duty of the House is to “prevent or stop any initiative involving ignore or circumvent the constitutional mandates”.
The separatists deputies, as Jordi Turull of Junts Pel Yes or Anna Gabriel of the CUP, expressed during the plenary be “aware” of contempt of TC and secured so under the democratic under the ballot box.
Read also: for the first time, the independence of Catalonia has more supporters than detractors
As explained Saenz de Santamaria, the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, held Wednesday a conversation with leaders of the main parties at the national level to reaffirm the “democratic unity” against the decision of the Catalan Parliament.
© AFP 2016 / Gerard Julien
the secretary general of the PSOE and leader of the main opposition force, Pedro Sanchez, appeared after learning of the decision of the Catalan parliament to convey his ” support “for the conservative Popular Party government when Catalonia require” legal compliance “.
Sanchez stressed that the decision of the Catalan parliament “thoroughly ignores the repeated pronouncements of consitucional Court” and is “an open challenge to its authority and its constitutional powers”.
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