Thursday, July 28, 2016

A group of young entrepreneurs will participate in the Ibero-American Summit – W Radio

Madrid, July 27 (EFE) .- A group of young entrepreneurs of the twenty Latin American countries will participate in the plenary of the XXV Latin American Summit, to be held in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) on 28 and 29 October, as announced today in Madrid SEGIB, Rebeca Grynspan.

young people, selected at the meeting of entrepreneurs “Spin 2016″ which will take place between September 29 and October 1 in Santiago Compostela (NW Spain), read a document to the heads of State and Ibero-American government.

This initiative is made possible by the partnership signed between the General Secretariat Iberoamericana, the COTEC Foundation, the Bank for development of Latin America and the RedEmprendia organization.

“we are trying to create spaces for conversation, for that talent is revealed. we have proposed this initiative to Cartagena that excites us. it will be a super successful summit in Colombia, the first international meeting after the peace, “said Grynspan.

” This is a hopeful for the future framework, Latin America is the only region in the world where no country involved in a conflict armed, “added Grynspan at the close of an international conference on entrepreneurship held today in Madrid.

the Ibero-American General Secretariat presented the alliance with the president of the COTEC Cristina Garmendia Foundation and Spanish exministra, the secretary General of the International Youth, Mark Trejo; the executive of the Bank of Latin America Development, Leandro Gorgal, and the president of the RedEmprendia organization, Senen Barro.

“Young Twenty-two entrepreneurs from the region will discuss a document that will be announced at the summit Heads of State, will be a very participatory and those young document outputs a selection of speakers who will speak at the plenary session, “said Garmendia.

the president of the COTEC Foundation added that young, one Latin American country, will have an informal meeting with leaders

This initiative was presented at the closing of the forum “Entrepreneurship and youth – iEmprende.”, organized by the International youth for Latin America ( OIJ) in the Casa de America in Madrid, where entrepreneurs and experts intervened. EFE


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