Euskadi forward its regional elections for September 25
the lendakari justifies its decision to avoid matching a third hypothetical general election Spanish State
lendakari Iñigo Urkullu decided to forward the regional elections to September 25 , given that the stalled negotiations in Spanish politics could suppose a third general elections in late October.
Urkullu justified this decision describing it as “very thoughtful and shared” and based on prevent disagreement between the main parties constrains the Basque process. Chosen by the Basque president date is very significant for the PNV , since September 25 is celebrated the Alderdi Eguna , game day.
the lendakari criticized the inability of the main Spanish to reach agreement after the repetition of the general election parties and lamented that “we have already lost a month.” In addition, he described as “unaffordable” which speculates on the possibility of returning to the polls.
For him, Spain through the “most serious in recent history” institutional crisis, not only because of the inability to form a government, but also “for social and territorial fragmentation model” and the inability to take measures against the economic crisis.
Barcelona. (INCAT-Agencies) .-
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