The hitherto general director of the DGT, Maria Segui, has resigned Friday for alleged corruption. The decision came after the Interior Ministry opened an investigation into possible illegal financing condecida from Traffic to three projects being developed by her husband. I followed him did not want to know the resolution of alleged irregularities and has presented his resignation to the minister, Jorge Fernandez Diaz, who has accepted.
According to sources of ABC, Inspection Services, under the Secretariat of Interior, opened last July 12 research because the information disclosed about a possible irregular funding by Traffic three research projects in materior traffic and mobility Engineering research Institute of the University of Zaragoza, department in which the husband works Segui. The investigation took power after Juan José Alba denounced and accused the husband of former director, Francisco Lopez Valdes, hiring finger thanks to the care of his wife. In the complaint filed with the Provincial Prosecutor Zaragoza, Alba accused the marriage of four suspected crimes. Influence peddling, extortion, bribery and blackmail
marked Address by controversy
the now former director of the DGT leaves office after four years in which has reached a record low in the number of traffic accident victims since 1960. Its management, say sources country, has been punctuated by criticism from various groups, including the rider, who requested his removal after proposing mandatory helmet use in the city, and examiners traffic, who remained on strike for several weeks before the refusal of improvement of their working conditions.
But the final blow occurred in the last fortnight. The assignment of the responsibility for road safety training, Marta Carreras, for recordings that implicated in an alleged rigging of public tenders, and now the donation finger of public money to projects run by her husband has jeopardized the continuity of Segui.
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