Saturday, July 2, 2016

And what is special about La Castela (the tavern Michelle Obama visited Madrid)? – Univision

During his visit to Spain came First Lady “tapas”. Here are the details about the restaurant he visited a public accustomed to receiving characters (or anyone) place willing to eat traditional dishes like oxtail good.

If there is something they have made it clear Michelle and Barack Obama during the last eight years it is that they like to eat well, when in home and when traveling. For the presidential couple eating well is not limited to restaurants long tablecloths, they have been allowed to see the same eating burgers in places “neighborhood”.

The most recent example occurred in Spain, which Michelle Obama visited to present the campaign that promotes gender equality Learn Let’s Girl . After the official acts of his visit, the First Lady visited La Castela, Madrid cuisine a restaurant with long experience in Madrid.

This dining room that occupies the premises outside of an old tavern, retains its facade, some finishes and an old bar which they brew and “vermouth” served -for honor the usual- (as they call the Spanish vermouth) directly from a tap.

“a cuisine rooted in the Madrid recipe is served,” says the place about their food which includes specialties that have made Spanish food (at least of this region) the large kitchen that is: stews or hearty stews, such as tripe (a stew prepared with pieces of cow stomach), oxtail (a stew of Cordovan origin) and hors d’oeuvres such as anchovies and ham, indispensable in the bar a tapas place.

“we are accustomed to public figures, last week visited us Harrison Ford,” he says by phone Paul (the owner’s son place), who refused to give details of the visit of Michelle Obama, but widely recommended dishes from their menu as oxtail.

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