2. Overcoming a major contradiction: First, IU is, temporarily, the minority force in this political game. This fact should make us understand that, according to the correlation of forces actually existing, the pact is not built on equal terms. Second, IU is essential to set up an electoral majority in the short term and a political and social majority in the long run. This apparent contradiction can only be overcome by accepting resignations tactics that allow us to build a solid political bloc, in which the positioning of our historical claims to have a long-winded journey.
3. The acceptance that it was we, as a political organization aimed at the electoral, who has managed to collect the widespread disenchantment of the popular majority state. This alliance represents a historic opportunity for IU, with a more defined and where the Marxist tradition occupies a prominent place ideological profile, develop their organizational work which attract the social majority to political positions left and class perspective. Never in the 30 year history of IU we had found in such a favorable situation.
In the case of Euskadi, I consider that the three elements for the state case are also valid for the particular Ezker Anitza . Briefly, the main specificities in the two major dimensions are:
1. Tactically / election we face a historic opportunity for the possibility that Isabel Health Coordinator Ezker Anitza, obtain the minutes of deputy for the constituency of Gipuzkoa. This hope, unimaginable if filing a candidacy alone or with other alliances, acquires a crucial for the future of IU in Euskadi relevance, achieving greater visibility and impact of our political activity.
2. As for the strategic, and based on the experiences of electoral confluence at the municipal level as Udalberri in Bilbao, the formation of the social block counter-hegemonic is expressed by the organizational articulation of the Basque political subject, left and do not feel represented or by the Izquierda Abertzale or for PSE I derechizado, whose project puts at the center the interests of the working class in a political-institutional framework of federal court.
Despite all the difficulties that will appear on Along the way, not only to 26-J, but in the process of building a popular majority to transform Euskadi and the State must assume that we have a chance to historical character we have to use to advantage.
@ amontoro1979
* Source: Rebellion
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