Wednesday, June 29, 2016

“I do not want a threesome is not a fad and I’m not promiscuous” – Hipertextual

“When I came out of the closet, the response of my environment was diverse and surprising. My straight friends raised me if it was a phase. Homosexuals questioned relatives saying he had not yet accepted she was a lesbian.” Who talks like that is Violet (fictitious name), a bisexual young chatting with Hipertextual to mark the Pride Day LGBT .

“being bisexual does not mean you have twice as many opportunities and I want to shoot everything that moves”

bisexuality remains one earrings collective issues. This sexual orientation is defined by “sexual, emotional and / or romantic attraction to people of more than one gender and / or sex, not necessarily at the same time, in the same way or with the same intensity.” “But that does not mean you have twice as many opportunities or want me to shoot everything that moves,” says Violet. Statements like this denote the biphobia suffering these people, a double rejection not only one type of LGTBfobia, but also come from within the community itself lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.

Year of Visibility Bisexual in Diversity

“not that I’m confused, but I can draw and I can fall in love with people of both sexes. But I do not care meat or fish, as is usually repeated around a derogatory manner, “said the girl. Discrimination against bisexual is a concern also in Spain, where organizations such as the FELGTB and COGAM Commemorate 2016 as Year bisexuality , in order to inform, banish misconceptions and, above all, give visibility.

“the stigmatization of bisexuals not only involves their discrimination, but also to relate this guidance practices that have little or nothing to do “

” I have come to ask if my bisexuality is the result of a traumatic relationship with a man. or if by having that sexual orientation’m more promiscuous, “laments Violet. The stigmatization of bisexuals not only brings discrimination , but also to relate this sexual orientation practices that have little or nothing to do with it. “I do not have to like group sex. Not for the fact of being with my partner (wife), I plantearme a threesome,” he says Violeta reviewing some of the statements that have come to listen. The FELGTB lists several examples of biphobia on its website. Among others, highlights the denial of the existence of this sexual orientation, considered as a “phase” or “confusion” and the definition from homosexuality or heterosexuality.

Despite strong growth homophobia in countries like Spain, the struggle of the LGBT collective has made great advances in the rights of homosexual couples. But there is still a long way to go. Give accurate information and visibility to bisexuality or transsexuality, another historically discriminated orientations, is one of the main demands of the Pride , held today June 28 worldwide. One of the people who have taken a step forward revealing his bisexuality is the youtuber Dulceida , which explained in a video with more than one million copies maintaining a relationship with another girl.

“bisexual people may suffer from homophobia to be identified as gay and biphobia to be invisible or considered armarizadas homosexuals,” said Amanda Rodriguez , spokesman for the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals , on the occasion of May 17, International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. Since the organization concerning the LGBT community in Spain, argue that “biphobia suffering women and bisexual men is the result of both the ignorance of its existence as the stereotypes that still presents”. Cases like Violeta are not isolated episodes, but showing the ignorance that exists today regarding this sexual orientation.

The thought that “we are all born bisexual “invisibiliza this reality tantamount to denying its existence

Decalogue of the Year Visibility Bisexual in Diversity produced by the FELGTB, also reject the myth that “ all born bisexual “. The reason is that, in his view, these kinds of thoughts bisexual invisible reality tantamount to denying its existence, as downplays the specific needs of bisexual people. For fear of these prejudices, bisexuals out less closet gay people in their family and work environment. This is what has led to define this sexuality as “invisible”, “excluded” or “silent”.

Among the claims that will be heard during the celebration of Pride 2016, include the request for a Equality Act LGTBI or universal decriminalization of any sexual orientation or gender identity. According to Amnesty International, 73 states and territories punishable by the death penalty consensual sex between same sex. Combat all forms of LGTBfobia, also affecting bisexuals remains a struggle for equality. Both trail route and both way to go yet …


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