Friday, June 17, 2016

In Common We can ‘record’ Hervé Falciani – Pysn People and Society News

News of Spain

The head of the list of Common Ground Podemos, Xavier Domenech, presented with former HSBC computer and reference of the fight against corruption, Hervé Falciani, anti-corruption measures and the fight against tax fraud of his candidacy.

Domenech, who was “enormously proud” to have the advice of Falciani, defined corruption as “systemic” and he said that a party like the PP can not fight effectively against it shape and has qualified as a “subtraction of democratic power of the people”.

The training takes in its program measures as a bill in the first year of the legislature to ensure special protection to persons whistleblowers of corruption cases, that adequate legal assistance from the time of the complaint, medical and psychological assistance and screening job of the complainant and the launch of an independent observatory against corruption is ensured .

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the candidacy of the confluence wants to prohibit any former elected official to participate in boards of companies operating in strategic sectors of the state to avoid revolving doors and that no public company will not hire any company that, directly or through front companies or subsidiaries, divert funds to tax havens with intent to evade tax or legal obligations, or are participated by persons convicted of corruption.

Other measures relate to the reform of gauging political office to remove it in everything that is not “strictly linked political office “to extend the statute of limitations for corruption 5 to a minimum of 10 years to increase the staff of the tax Agency for tax fraud and emerge not recognize the legal personality of companies incorporated in tax havens.

Falciani has argued that these measures “encourage investment” because “no investor will put his money in a corrupt economy” and stressed the importance of enjoying transparency laws and protect whistleblowers: “One of the biggest challenges is knowing how to use the information when we have it; this means protecting sources, “he said.

Finally, he confessed “proud” to share their work against tax evasion and fraud candidacy In Common We can. An exchange of knowledge on anti-corruption that has framed the “sense of citizenship.”


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