Saturday, June 18, 2016

World Unidos Podemos strategy to oust the PP is constructed from Catalonia – Telam

“At the time we lead the change, the PSOE opted for change,” says the architect of this triumph, Xavier Domenech, leader in commu Podem, sister candidacy Unidos Podemos in the northern region, and one of the keys to the success of the new left.

in the last elections of December 20, jointly Podem snatched the PSOE its traditional hegemonic space left center in Catalonia, which historically functioned as the lever whenever socialists came to La Moncloa, seat of the Executive of Madrid.

Churches had rejected the idea of ​​Alberto Garzón, candidate Izquierda Unida (IU), to form a candidacy of popular unity for those elections, but in Catalonia regional referents from both parties joined the candidacy of confluence proposed by Ada Colau. in Comú Podem

that alliance, led by Domenech, was advanced that showed that the unit was revenue to the left. and the party leader antiajuste noted.

Unidos Podemos, forged in early May between Churches and Garzon coalition is heading to become second force within a week, in 26 elections June (26-J) behind the Popular Party (PP) of Rajoy, who would win but without a majority to govern, as occurred in December, matching the polls.

confirmed the “sorpasso” (overtaking ) of the new left the PSOE, which would be in third position while the liberal Citizens maintain their fourth position, a substantial movement would occur in the “pro-change” political chessboard.

that’s the reading made from Unidos Podemos and in commu Podem, whose strategy is to overcome the socialists to be forced to compromise with the left to avoid losing its ideological anchor.

the candidate of the PSOE, Pedro Sanchez says that will not make President Iglesias and Rajoy, but his campaign is based on denying you will have to make this difficult decision.

in late May, the Catalan socialists entered the municipal government of Barcelona to strengthen colau, and from May 2015 to support the mayor Manuela Carmena in Madrid. This experience leads to Domenech trusts that the Socialists will end up agreeing with them and not with the PP.

“We need to kick out the PP of power and build a government of change. And we want to do with the Socialists, “he insisted Domenech this week in Barcelona during the campaign.

” It seems very difficult for a leftist party, as the PSOE, renounce change something that all citizens are accepting, “he told the candidate Telam, when asked about the main sticking point in any negotiations with the socialists, who is the secession referendum for Catalonia promises in his campaign Unidos Podemos.

the PSOE He considers that this consultation is unconstitutional and proposes a reform of the constitution for a federal Spain, but Domenech is adamant defending the referendum, because it is one of the elements that explains the connection it has with the Catalan electorate, whose votes are crucial to Churches .

“in Comú Podem is the first reflection of the unity of the left, that so many times people asked us in the street that we agree, we leave behind the card game to take conservatives, “he said Telam Joan Mena, candidate comes from the Catalan communist left.

Mena also stresses that” we are the ones who are giving a democratic solution to the conflict between Catalonia and Spain. We fled the immobility of the PP, PSOE and Citizen, and the one-sidedness of the separatists, proposing a referendum for citizens to choose the future of Catalonia “.

And the third element is that” we have not never renounced say that the policies of austerity, cuts and policies that undermine the interests of the entire working class are as important as the policies of the national construction of Catalonia, “remarks the candidate.

Looking ahead to Sunday’s elections 26 polls even better expectations in common Podem, who would win in Catalonia with 14 or 15 members, three more than in December.

“We aim to grow more in Barcelona, ​​get the second deputy in the province of Tarragona and consolidate our results in Lleida and Girona -two independentistas- territories, besides obtaining a good result in the Senate, which is the lock chamber, “said Mena.

in Comú, like the rest of the new applications from left linked to Podemos, are characterized by forces who harvest votes in an urban electorate, young and intellectual.

But the candidate – that already he was elected in December- stressed that have shown that is not so, because “we won in Barcelona but also in the smallest town in Catalonia, Sant Jauma of Fontallá, with 29 neighbors”

. the surveys say that the profile of voter confluences are under 55 years hence one of the goals of the left is “make most people stop not overcome by the discourse of fear of the traditional parties,” he said . Mena

in Catalonia largely the Basque Country, Valencia and the Balearic Islands -the regions Unidos Podemos called “nations of the Spanish State” – it’s up to the left put in check the Spanish bipartisanship 26-J.

that Iglesias is Prime Minister of Spain will be left to Domenech and Sanchez, or rather, the question of the referendum. Hence the strategy of the Catalan route may end in success or failure.


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