Monday, June 20, 2016

Populism, the greatest risk, warns Rajoy in Spain – La Razon

The current acting president of Spain, Mariano Rajoy, said that instability and populism are the greatest danger in Spain, with political leaders hindering agreements and reforms.

A week after the elections general, the candidate of the Popular Party (PP) said that economic growth is a priority. Then the answers to the questionnaire sent by La Razon the PP leader:

What maximum period should be formed the next government I think that after six months with the government functions, parties should be able to form a government as soon as possible. If we all act with responsibility and no one is dedicated to veto the party that more support you have from the Spanish, I do not think it takes too long to become.

What concessions is willing to do to facilitate agreement ? I am willing to talk and reach agreements, if not impossible conditions are made or assignments which affect the fundamental principles of our coexistence asked. But I think that any agreement must be built first by establishing common objectives, seeking what unites us, and finally working to reach an understanding in those areas where there may be differences. However, I have the feeling that some seek first the differences to make it impossible covenant and cause a new lock and abocar the Spaniards to new elections.

What do you think is for Spain the main risk of the current situation? the main risk factor now is instability and populism, the return to the policies that left us on the edge of rescue and repeal, as some propose, reforms which have allowed us to move from the brink of recovery, job destruction to create one of every two jobs in Europe

the three priorities that would require were part of the action next government if you participate in it are … the number one priority remains economic growth and job creation, because they depend on other measures such as those aimed at strengthening our welfare state, lower taxes Spanish, improving education and training or increase. The defense of the unity of Spain, national sovereignty and equality between Spanish and deepen democratic regeneration and strengthening of our institutions is also a priority. And the third would be Europe, do more Europe and play an increasingly important international role. The extreme alternative is not compatible with the Europe of the euro.

Get fewer seats than in December would lead to consider leadership training? what now I raise is out to win, because I have the support of my party and with the majority support of the Spanish, who gave us their confidence on 20 December. On the other hand, the absorption of Izquierda Unida by Podemos and its confluences has changed to some extent, the game board, as far as the distribution of seats is concerned.

A who or what is responsible for the deadlock, which still forecasting surveys? who block are those who seek to govern at all costs, although not the preferred option for the Spanish and despite having the worst result in history his party. It was Pedro Sanchez who, after 20-D, vetoed the party that had won the election and more than seven million Spaniards; would not even sit down and talk and tried to sell a pact of government that did not have the support to be a covenant investiture.

What party sees more programmatic affinities in the case had margin to seek support for government formation? I think with the PSOE, and also with Citizens, we have much margin agreed on the main issues. So I proposed a grand coalition after elections in December. This is how you govern in other European countries and the EU itself.

The most voted candidate is the one who should lead the government formation? has always been so and I it must remain so, because otherwise means despise what they have said citizens and trying to build a different reality that have drawn the polls.

must be resubmitted to the investiture a candidate if no guaranteed majority to form government? An endowment is intended to endow a chair and not do theater or run watches, as they say. Therefore, the parties must seek agreements Government to ensure the investiture, because without such investiture no government. And for that, you can not marginalize a party that has been the most voted by the Spanish and then pretend to impose to sign a pact adherence to a program that supersedes all the good that has been done in the last four years. I hope that some parties have learned the lesson in these months and willing, from 27 June to really work to form a stable government

Popular Party continues as a favorite and the left lost 2% support

polls give the ruling bloc winner; Socialism goes to third place, reports the survey released yesterday by the newspaper El País

the Popular Party (PP) led by the current acting president, Mariano Rajoy, is the favorite to win the elections next Sunday Spain.

according to a poll published yesterday in the newspaper El País, the political group rose three tenths compared to the last elections, the December 20, 2015.

carried out the vote today, the PP would win with 29 percent, above the 28.7 percent achieved in the first round.

in addition, the coalition of US and can reach the second place with 25.4 percent.

While the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE), who was the second force, with 22 percent remained with 20.5 percent in the preferences of the Iberians.

on Sunday, 36 million 518 thousand 100 citizens are called to the polls in the first time that Spain makes a second return, since returning democracy.

558 was remade from 616 seats that make up the Parliament: 350 of the Congress of Deputies and 208 directly elected Senate. With this, start the XII legislature.

This after no party won last year the absolute majority of 176 seats in Congress.

According to the survey, with the intention to vote the PP achieved 113 seats, while Unidos Podemos, would get 95 seats and the PSOE, 85.

Spain remains in the unknown on the post-electoral pacts among the leading candidates for the presidency of the government for June 26 elections, in which it is anticipated that none will have a majority to govern. On 13 June, the candidates discussed at the Palacio Municipal de Congresos in Madrid, to convince voters.

The debate began with similar positions between Sanchez, Rivera and churches about the need not repeat for the third time the elections and to work for the post-electoral pacts.

Rajoy shot back that if his party, as happened in the December elections, returned to be the most voted, only had to leave govern such condition.

on economy and employment, the presidential candidates of the opposition questioned the economic reforms introduced by Mariano Rajoy, their results and the situation of inequality, while the president presented data on the creation of jobs .


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