Monday, June 27, 2016

Spain: the outraged and left populist power – DEBATE

The real political crisis in Spain is not located in the need for a second round of elections to vote for the government because at first there was no absolute majority. Nor does the possibility that Spain has to go to a third vote in December.
Real political crisis is located in the historical end of bipartisanship between a must right to a welfare state and a neoliberal left using the word socialism but practice a decaffeinated social democracy. The alliance Izquierda Unida (former Communist Party of Spain) and the group of young political scientists can be placed as the main Spanish political force.
In May 2011 it appeared in Spain’s Indignados movement, young people excluded from the productive system and politics demanding real democracy. As the general elections were in November, there was no way to build an option; the ratings took the Spanish Socialist Workers Party of power as responsible for the crisis of 2008, but put the conservative Popular Party and spending cuts.
But the crisis prohijó their new strength. In January 2014 we appeared the group, consisting of young professors of political science; its leader Pablo Iglesias was born in 1978, the year of the national adoption of the Constitution of the Spanish transition to democracy, which is considered a child of the transition, is a young slim, boyish, long ponytail, always in shirt with the sleeves rolled up without sack. In 2014 we won four MEPs in the general elections of December 20, 2015 rose to 13% of votes and 42 deputies and its alliance with the United Left led him to second political force with 25% of the vote, leaving the PSOE in . third
Unidos Podemos the alliance represents a Marxist left, not Leninist methodology, anticapitalist, welfarist, populist, Salvador Allende supporter and promoter of the state as the engine of the economy; is against the leveling demands of Germany and the International Monetary Fund, does not endorse the decline in public spending and instead proposes more spending to boost the economy and promote special taxes on the rich.
The consolidation of this left more populist than nineteenth-century Marxist has preoccupied the European Union because the crisis exploded since 2008 has curbed social spending in Italy, France, Spain and Greece. If ruled Spain the group Unidos Podemos, the stabilizing EU strategy would collapse. Greece won twice and left with populist fiscal spending flags, but Germany and France forced the leftist government of Alexis Tsipras to a pro-IMF program right.
Unidos Podemos positioning as the second force in Spain as he approached the possibility of governing and will be key to the approval of a government since elections on Sunday. But there is a political paradox: the PSOE abandoned Marxism at its congress in 1979 to come to power and now we –1982-1996– allied with the Marxist Communist Party of Spain –hoy Left Unida– the late Santiago Carrillo the eurocomunista force stronger. To gain power, Marxism-PCE way we govern Spain.
In the international arena, Spain could start the cycle of populism in power in Europe.

Politics for dummies : politics is the art of patience to finally come to power

for your eyes only.
* conservative victories in Europe are sinking the European Union; hence the importance of a socialist left in Spain as a counterweight.
* The advance of Trump, the crisis in Venezuela, change in Cuba, peace in Colombia have changed the international strategic scenario that demands a new approach to security national.
* the Spanish Socialist Workers Party entered a serious crisis before the elections. As it will be third, prepare and guillotinazos of leaders who failed in the political interpretation of the moment to define campaign strategies. The leader Pedro Sanchez’s days; could never connect with the electorate, and was overtaken by the alliance Izquierda Unida-we.
* Europe Doubts about the fate of the PRI in the presidential elections of 2018. movements in Spain are organized support to teachers in Oaxaca and greater mobilization by 43 Ayotzinapa.


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