Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Elections in Spain – ElLitoral.com

is not certain that the Spanish electoral process which started on December 20 last year, will conclude this June 26. The delay in forming final authority is somehow a manifestation of acute political crisis that supports this country crisis since its political specificity is the manifestation of a growing social unrest and a deplorable economic reality that the ruling class can not or do not know control.

After six months held the elections and after the king confirmed that it was indeed impossible to constitute a legitimate government, there is no indication that the political scene has been clear. In principle, no political force is able to individually ensure governance, but what reality stubbornly confirm is that it is not possible to form a government with the agreement of other policy except force, that is, an understanding between the Popular Party and PSOE agree that the socialists were in charge emphatically ruled out. Even Felipe Gonzalez, which at the time came to insinuate this agreement not unlike forged between conservatives and socialists in Germany in recent weeks ruled strictly an agreement of this nature.

what is certain is that the recent elections confirmed that bipartisanship made since the death of Franco, or a little later- between the PP and the PSOE is dying. Anyway not exaggerate about it. Conservatives or socialists have failed to form government, is a problem for these parties and the Spaniards themselves, but both political parties are far from being disintegrated or suffer diseases that lead fatally to extinction.

in principle, the Popular Party is leading the electoral preferences with an index of adhesion spider thirty percent of the vote. A party with that level of representativeness can be considered many things, but a corpse, and anticipate some analysts who can not hide their desire that conservatives are reduced to a minimum.

on the other hand, while there is a broad consensus to admit that the PSOE is going through one of the worst moments of his centennial history, one should not forget that despite its crisis and that sort of humiliation that means be overcome at least in the polls by Podemos, the socialists exceed twenty percent of the vote, a percentage that, at least in Argentina, more than one political party festejaría as a triumph.

the other symptom indicator that the traditional political system was in crisis or is unable to contain the new realities, is the emergence of Podemos left and Citizens right, two political formations proposed represent more consistency traditional ideals of center right and center left.

we broke into national politics with the enthusiasm and the claw of those representatives of change and holders are supposed a singular moral ascendancy, reinforced in this case by the intellectual brilliance of forged leaders in university activities and, in most cases without political background that can blame them.

Meanwhile, Citizens is pretending to renew the thinking of the right and presented a different option for the Catalan crisis. We should also say that while we have not too many conflicts to present itself as a democratic left with obvious populist signs, Citizens does not invoke the right thinking, which the exception of Chile is confirmed once again, except that the right in the world today is resisting assumed as such.

in the past six months all possible combinations were tested to form a government, never finished equations confirmed. In principle, Rajoy never could access hundred and seventy six lawmakers needed to ensure his re-election as president. The difficulties to weave agreements, the internal struggle in the Popular Party which are increasingly strong voices that rise up against an increasingly opaque Rajoy and increasingly convinced that politics is reduced to daily management adds things, an economistic version that annoys the major pairs of his party for whom it is not fair nor is it convenient to renounce to the battle of ideas.

Rajoy headed narrowly margin voter preferences, but for the first time in many years the votes against are superior, why not Albert Rivera nor the socialists want to be near you. Rivera, for one, does not show much enthusiasm to risk political capital that is reaping laboriously allying with a political rather than lose face, worn.

The Socialists have already decided that they would to help form a government right, but as one analyst said, one thing is not to support the PP and another very different is to prevent the PP form a government. The difference between one position and the other in theory seems to boil down to nuances, but in politics forging of power these nuances are often decisive.

For socialists, the cost of allying with the right represented by the Popular Party seems to be very high, although it is legitimate to ask how long the socialists are so scrupulous to establish the differences between left and right, when they in a while have moved away from the classic versions of the left. The other possibility, advocated by the PSOE Left wing called, was the agreement with Let’s change the alliance with the New Left to form a government more than a conservative historian compared with the Popular Front dubiously won the elections in February 1936 and in an accelerated and marked by factional struggles process led to the civil war.

bolder, Pablo Iglesias suggested the socialist Pedro Sanchez president, while the leader of Podemos vice presidential reserve and a strong parliamentary and ministerial representation, a proposal that many socialists loved it, among other things because nobody is indifferent to the president. But the swords of the old guard rejected this alternative, and even threatened to split the party if the agreement with the followers of Venezuelan Chavez had its way, a controversial allegation, because while on the one hand Felipe González is the visible spokesman repudiation any attempt to locate the Chavista Venezuela as a role model or inspiration, the indefatigable Zapatero did not scruple to travel to Venezuela to offer himself as mediator of the open crisis between the Executive and Congress, mediation for all observers was a breath oxygen for the overwhelmed and increasingly reclusive Nicolas Maduro.

While politicians rinses fail viable formulas and at first glance does not seem that the elections 26 June will allow something new in society still installed, almost a commonplace, that politicians are all corrupt, they are a heaping corporation privileges protects itself and that, under current conditions, the future of Spain is more than doubtful.

the truth is that beyond some arbitrary and biased conclusions installed in the collective mood, the Spaniards are not willing to take a leap of faith because despite everything, they know that there are many things to defend. Nor they are determined to consent to traditional leaders who may have had some merit in the past, but today represent neither say anything new.

Anyway, not convince them leaders like Rivera or churches, much less the recent alliance of the latter with United left, an alliance that enthused and mobilized the left, but that raises serious misgivings among the silent majority does not participate in public events and that is not usually very politicized, but that at the time of the elections, with their support or rejection, he decides, for good or ill, who will be the new president.


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