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at this time runs through the social networks a letter seriously put in question the way in Spain collected the votes in the general election. The letter speaks for itself, and makes clear examples of negligence and lack of rigor with which it would proceed in certain types of polling stations, particularly in small towns and sparsely populated, but after all numerous. If true Christian Aviles related by the purported signer of the letter, it would not only concern the neglect of specific persons referred -because it could reproduce or not, depending on personal honesty, in other cases . – but the democratic poverty of a system that would allow such operation
Here we reproduce in full the letter:
“sorry, is long, but if I do not say bust.
a while ago I arrived home after being president of a polling station in Barcelona and I’m still hallucinating . Apart from several irregularities that will not detail for a long story, but demonstrate the enormous failures of the system, I hallucinated a lot of things. First: after counting, missing a couple of votes that did not appear the head of the electoral board. insisted that ‘this is normal, never block’. I told him I had to reconcile, to what he says, ‘is equal, in this case the votes that are not go blank and you’re done’. Then he joined the party the agent of the PP, who insisted on declaring the votes were missing as blank votes, ‘come on, what is always done’. I told them not to, also, ‘how I’m going to squaring then?’ And that has been my first surprise, they tell me, ‘What if ?, squaring now when you sign the scoresheet all these votes go away’. And I say, ‘How? Did not I have to bring to court escorted by police? ‘. And tell me, ‘course not, you tried to take only minutes with the final results. ” That is, think of a village or small town of those deep Spain where everyone knows everyone, meet all three of the table and fill what comes eggs because they must then deliver the votes to prove anything. In fact, if I wanted to, I myself would have altered the results, because in many times of the day have been alone on the table two.
Think of a village or small town of those of Spain deep where everyone knows everyone, meet all three of the table and fill what comes eggs
next comes the joke vote by mail: first thing they hand you a stack of envelopes with the ballots, but the moment of truth, the control is minimal, if not zero at any time. Who tells me that in one of those villages of the deep Spain do not catch all mail envelopes and exchange them for others. They are all day on the table and nobody custody.
And finally, the joke of the scrutiny of the Senate … aside that half of people did not know what had to vote, or who were those who had, or what it does that (especially older people, who asked where they had to put the X, like a form of Finance) … Leaving aside all that, the scrutiny is insultingly ridiculous: you you remember when you delegate elegíais class at school? They were putting names and marked an X every time someone is voted. X and ready then numbered.
Now you will understand better why he wins the election a corrupt party and do not want to make the voting electronic (it would be much cheaper, yes, but too reliable)
for well but with a list of more than a thousand X. , they can be marked as ‘up to 3 boxes’, plus there who just mark one or two, so the final number of votes does not necessarily coincide with the total number of voters. This is when I said ‘well, I guess now I will keep the ballots with X, is the only way to prove that what I put on the record is true’. Well, again I have been checked: ballots Senate also all go away
Basically I’ve been putting X for one. time and counting them later and nobody has PROVEN it was right, among other things, because they have told me that this never checked because it would be impossible. ‘I mean, if I had wanted to have invented the results of the Senate and nothing had happened !! Finally, I took the minutes, I have put in an envelope and me have taken myself to the courts on a motorcycle. Total, on the envelopes there is no ballot to make sure that what you put in them is true …
Come on, I guess now you will understand better why wins the elections a corrupt party and do not want to make the voting electronic (it would be much cheaper, yes, but too reliable). “
the counting of votes the general election is not yet over. remains to include in the count the votes of 1,920,256 living abroad. But of them, very few actually participate with his vote. And it is not for lack of interest but because there are objective circumstances that make voting from abroad is increasingly difficult.
And is that another source of controversy is the way they are forced to proceed Spaniards who want to exercise their right to vote from abroad. the procedure to be upheld is “prayed vote.” This implies that they must ask to be allowed to vote through an application process postal always difficult to comply deadlines and largely prevents cases directly.
in a world where the Internet comes anywhere (… ) I find it incomprehensible (no mean suspect) that when exercising a basic right, such as voting, all are difficult and complicated bureaucracies
An interesting fact: since the reform some articles of the Spanish electoral legislation (agreed by the PP and PSOE) the door opened to a practice that, from the outset (regional elections in Spain, 2011), proved to have devastating effects on electoral participation Spanish expatriates: the abstention rose in all consultations over 90% of the census
the citizens’ movement is thus expressed Marea Granate about it. “it’s not a casual or unavoidable circumstances. It is a result of the approval by the Popular Party and the Socialist Party of the Law of Vote Rogado, converting the act of voting living outside in a race of almost insurmountable obstacles, unless luck or a deep knowledge of it have the current legislation. In a context in which, according to the CSIC, 700,000 people have emigrated from Spain in 2008 -most under forty, with higher education and a keen perception of those who are responsible for the crisis this means that bipartisanship is he has delivered a vote of punishment.
Another witness, included in the web of Marea Granate comes curiously (or not so oddly, but perhaps by the way of the most elementary logic) to the same conclusion that the president of table author of the letter previous: “in a world where the Internet comes anywhere where to perform the obligations as paying taxes to the IRS, we are offered to citizens all facilities, incomprehensible to me (I do not mean suspect) that when exercise a basic right, such as voting, all bureaucracies are difficult and complicated. ”
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