Thursday, June 9, 2016

Malia Obama will intern at the US Embassy in Madrid – People in Spanish

Malia Obama will intern at the US embassy in Madrid

Malia Obama already has plans for education after high school.

     Photo: Karwai Tang / Getty Images

Malia , the eldest daughter of President Barack Obama , make an internship . at the US Embassy in Madrid that could start between 9 and July 11 , according to the Spanish newspaper ABC

PHOTOS: visit Barack Obama Cuba

MALIA, who has studied Spanish, and it showed during the trip to Cuba where he helped out his father with the language, will begin their summer internship after the trip President the United States to Spain around the same date.

the young and completed his secondary education at Sidwell Friends School in Washington and will turn 18 on July 4. After a sabbatical year he will go to Harvard University, where his parents studied law.

While there are still details to be specified, is considered certain that Obama will make a trip to Madrid and Seville .


the plans young during his sabbatical are unknown and in their studies, it is possible that can be studied audiovisual communication and which has been an intern in the production of the series Girls (HBO) and the string CBS

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