Ramadan, sacred to Muslims, starting between Monday and Tuesday month is celebrated by thousand 700 million people professing Islam in the world and account for 22 percent of the global population.
Why celebrate Ramadan?
Ramadan coincides with the date that the Prophet Muhammad received the first revelation of the Qur’an, the holy book of Muslims, among many other things, it sets limits on the relationships between individuals and the community.
During this time, the hours of abstinence between dawn and sunset, can not eat, drink or smoke. Therefore, they adjusted for a month work schedules, exam dates change, modify professional appointments, and the daily rhythm of each person is changed, because it concentrates its activities in the evening.
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Thus, this holy month has, besides a religious function, health (purifies the body), mental (strengthens the will) and moral (to understand what suffering people deprived of food), as explained from the Union of Islamic Communities of Spain (UCIDE).
In Ramadan lives at night, because it is in the evening hours when believers eat, meet, go to the mosque, again eat, watch television and to hold conferences and meetings.
When is Ramadan and why date changes each year?
The Muslims have their own calendar: the lunar cycle, whose days do not match from year to year. Ramadan is always the ninth month of the lunar calendar, starting with the appearance of the new moon and ending with the next new moon.
In this sense, the time of Ramadan is not exactly the same every year, but usually always last about 29 or 30 days.
Is it mandatory to follow Ramadan?
According to specialists in Islam, Ramadan is obligatory for every able-bodied Muslim from the moment it reaches puberty.
Who can skip the fast of Ramadan?
According to experts children and women with the rule or that have not yet been recovered from a recent delivery they may omit religious act, but they must “compensate” days not to fast throughout the year. The same goes for the sick and those who are traveling during this time.
How does it end?
Globally celebrated the Aid el Fitr, the end of the fast, which has in turn two high points: the prayer of the break fasting and alms delivery in kind, usually food to people in need (Zakat al Fitr).
Normally, the Fitr Zakat is the equivalent of four handfuls of raisins, dates, beans or cheese; if it is not possible to give food you can give money.
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