Monday, June 6, 2016

Caritas: Spain recovers from the crisis “two-speed” – CNA

MADRID, 06 Jun. 16 / 6:57 a.m. ( ACI ) .- Caritas Spain presented its annual report “Analysis and Prospects 2016″ of the Foessa foundation which this year focuses on expulsion social and economic recovery.

in the press conference held on Thursday, June 2 at the headquarters of Spanish Caritas in Madrid, Natalia Peiro, director of the Department of Communication, Awareness and Advocacy Caritas, and Guillermo Fernandez, a member of the Technical Committee FOESSA, warned that after the territorial analysis of inequality, poverty and unemployment Spain goes to “two speeds” in the recovery of the crisis.

after seven years of recession , differences between northern and southern Spain have increased. This disparity in poverty regions makes inequality and welfare varies depending on the area of ​​Spain, improving in the north and worse in the south.

The report reveals that we are witnessing what is called ; “countercyclical” and, as explained Guillermo Fernández, is that “in periods of economic recession, poverty increases rapidly process however, no growth phases descends to the same extent and even stagnates “.

According unemployment indicators analyzed shows that there is a very slight improvement, which in most cases is not enough to reduce clearly poverty and inequality.

also in Andalusia, Asturias and Castilla-La Mancha were the communities where 20% of the lowest incomes fell even more.

“the situation out of recession for the whole of the communities provides a worse situation compared to 2009 data in the period of first impact of the crisis. This result allows us to say that the probability of an increase in the stock of social exclusion, despite economic growth, is very high, “said Guillermo Fernandez, a member of the technical committee of the Foessa Foundation and one of the investigators.

None of the autonomous communities was reduced to pre-crisis levels, the number of households where all members are unemployed.

“at the current rate, reaching figures of households no income prior to the crisis, already high, it can mean up to seven years, “said Fernandez.

in this difficult situation Caritas proposed several measures for economic recovery, including the creation of a Rent guaranteed covering a minimum equivalent throughout Spain and can be extended through a bonus program to employment.

As Natalia Peiro said, the difficulties that reveals the report “responds to a question of social model , how we plan to build our society. It is not a consequence of the crisis. ”

“What they have worsened as a result of the crisis are the living conditions for people and families to open a new period of improvement, because their position is no longer the same, nor their opportunities” .

in this sense Caritas also said that an investment by the State of some 10,000 million euros would be needed to “ensure adequate protection to the most vulnerable groups.”

you can . the full report HERE

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