Tuesday, May 10, 2016

May 10: Day of San Juan de Ávila – Analítica.com

Juan de Avila was born in Toledo, Spain in 1500. Priest and ascetic writer. It is considered patron of the Spanish clergy.

His parents Alfonso de Avila and Catherine Xixón or Gijon. Juan he studied law in Salamanca in 1514, but four years must be removed as the “status of purity of blood” was introduced as a necessary requirement to study at the University and on the side of his father was Jewish descent . Is when he decided to study Arts and Theology at Alcalá de Henares (1520-1526).

By performing these studies killed his parents and ordained a priest in 1526 in his memory celebrated his first Mass in Almodóvar del Campo. Then John sells his legacy assets and distributed the money to the poor. A year later he volunteered as a missionary, but the Archbishop of Seville ordered Juan de Avila to abandon that idea and evangelizase Andalusia, work to which he devoted himself full and which will be called “Apostle of Andalusia.”

by your steadfastness and faith as a preacher provoked jealousies and some clerics denounced him before the Seville Inquisition in 1531. for that reason spends two years in prison. He used the time to pray and write the first version of Audi filia. Outside the prison he wrote a famous commentary to Psalm XLIV Audi filia and was published in Alcala clandestinely in 1556, later expanded and released in Madrid in 1557. This work can be considered a true compendium. King Philip II had in such esteem that asked never lacked in El Escorial.

He founded numerous seminaries and schools and encouraged the creation of the Society of Jesus. He organized the University of Baeza. He became ill in 1554, but still remained active fifteen years until visibly worsened in 1569 and died on May 10 that year in Montilla, saying “Jesus and Mary”. He was beatified in 1894 and Pope Paul VI declared him a saint in 1970.

Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed Doctor of the Church on October 7, 2012.


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