Monday, May 30, 2016

Southern Ocean temperature, immune from climate change –

More and more news showing that climate change is affecting all: the loss of biodiversity, the disappearance of certain ecosystems, the Caribbean islands that threaten to end submerged and start year-breaking record high temperatures each month.

However, concluded a study by the University of Washington and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the South pole has managed to remain somehow immune to these effects, because while the ice surface in the Arctic has been losing more and more, the temperature of the ocean has just held every year.

the answer to this riddle, say the scientists, some of which the strong winds coming from the west and stick against the Antarctic push surface water, exposing deeper water not affected by the temperature change.

“the Southern ocean is unique because is bringing water to the surface from thousands of meters deep, “explained Kyle Armour, author of the study and assistant professor of Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington to Spanish newspaper El Pais. “It’s really old and deep water that is rising to the upper layers of the ocean and has not touched the atmosphere for hundreds of years.”

Because the water is exposed had been so distant and deep, he would have to go centuries to experience the changes of global warming, because most likely the last time he was in contact with air was in the north Atlantic ocean thousands of years ago.

Although the process of “rotation” of water also occurs in coastal areas of western America, Europe and Africa, because the oceans are not as deep, water can not maintain the same temperature. what positions the Atlantic ocean as a unique place that has not, yet, given its temperature to climate change.


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