Friday, May 27, 2016

03:19 am – environment – Gonzalo Morales // Dear Jean-claude – EntornoInteligente

I read in the newspaper that Mariano Rajoy’s letter sent to Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, dated May 5. Curious document, namely if made public by a malicious or deliberate disloyalty, as part of the election campaign. I am inclined to believe the latter. The letter gives me the impression of being addressed to Jean-Claude, good friend, and incidentally, as a lesson of orthodoxy, the followers of the president. To ask a favor Juncker, enough half a page, and the letter has four. Rajoy boasts of his friendship with Juncker and their formidable economic achievements. He wants to apologize for not meeting the deficit target, something that can not be reproached for being the first defending stability and growth pact. The blame lies, he says, in the “slowdown in global growth” in the repeated electoral events, causing some economic excesses in the administrations that do not depend on their control. Begs his beloved Jean-Claude that Spain is not punished. Calls time. “Once you have a new government, we are ready to take further measures” [setting], “in the second half of the year.” Note that Rajoy is so identified with that new government that has too many reservations and nuances. And this seems directed at domestic consumption, because I assume that Mr Juncker is well aware that the situation is more complex (I fear that the promise could irritate under the circumstances). Also for domestic consumption paragraphs seem to me that Rajoy boasts its successes. He welcomed the “strong reform agenda”, most notably the reform of the labor market

Divo Gordo

It is remarkable what he has achieved in just four years. “We have gone from losing welfare, employment and confidence to improve the social situation, create jobs and have new expectations for the future “. I do not think that such a phrase culled from Genovese argumentario Rajoy can aspire to illustrate and shock the conscience of the very tanned Mr Juncker, who imagine something impatient, mean something sarcastic smile. You have to see this Rajoy! Now jobs are created “a very intense pace.” “The Spanish growth is balanced,” “solid base”, “no foreign debt” … The Spanish economy is now “competitive” companies are created, etc. It sounds cynical, with Juncker in garlic, or it could be a case of naivety and then one could imagine the concern of the aforementioned Juncker. One other thing to lie and believe the lies themselves. This Rajoy seems to be out of line. It is that intended to stay with me? Listed the achievements of Rajoy? And this is serious? It is demonstrated the goodness of the policies implemented by order of Brussels. No doubt that Juncker likes so exposed and so it seems. And I have no doubt that you will be tickled Rajoy the following sentence: “We both share that both the stability of the euro area and the improvement of social welfare are essential objectives of economic policy of the European Union”. Cynicism or naivete ?, one again wonders. Come to us with the sophism that the austericidio points to social welfare is the last straw, and more formally in a letter addressed to Mr Juncker, the organizer of corporate evaders center based in Luxembourg. The austericidio as a universal panacea to the service of the common good! Anyway, thanks to this letter, are exposed, in black on white, essential goals.

More about Mariano Rajoy Jean-Claude Juncker European Commission European Union

Divo Gordo

Tags: Spain

With information: Globedia Venezuela

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