Today begins the trial of the “dome Anonymous” in Spain. There are three accused who sit on the bench to give continuity to this process, first of its kind in Spain, which will determine his guilt in the computer attack on the Congress website, the Central Electoral Board and the UGT in May 2011 with the intention to block them and prevent their access to citizens.
Along with this, they are also accused of participation in the assault and blocking of several websites multinational companies like Sony, the virtual appliance banks like BBVA and Bankia or controversial websites governments like Egypt, Libya, Iran and Algeria. Although these supposed investments were made by association to the global collective Anonymous.
1600 folios in instruction and penalties almost 5 years in prison
Almost 1600 pages in preliminary investigation determined that the three people who make up the supposed “dome Anonymous” have participated on 18 and 19 May 2011, in the DDOS attack the server of the Central Electoral Board , which he received more than two million requests in just a minute and managed to take him down. Additionally it was determined that these actions assumed normal condition of proper functioning of e-mail services and web of the Electoral Board and, by extension, pre-election procedures are obstructed.
After the instruction , the Prosecutor, in his indictment and opening of the trial, requested five years in prison for one of the accused understood that “they were part of the collective Anonymous and prepared denial of service (DDoS) against the computing environment of the Central Electoral Board , the website of the union UGT and Congress. This attack affected significantly to the normal functioning of e-mail services and web of the JEC, hindering the proceedings before the electoral process “
The prosecution accused mainly of two crimes. For two of its members, R.T.S and D.L.I. are requested four years and five months in prison for a offense of continuous damage and eleven months in prison for integration criminal group , a crime for which Spanish penal code punishes the penalty of three months to one year in prison, further aggravated by the condition of “being formed by a large number of persons” (CP, 570ter 1c, 2a).
in the first offense for they ask four and a half years, the crimes continued damage, criminal code article 264 provides that those who by any means, without authorization and seriously erased, would harm, deteriorate, altered, deleted or did inaccessible data computer, software or non electronic documents, when the result produced is serious, shall be punished with imprisonment of six months to three years, with the aggravation.
in addition, the top penalty of two aa five years (the present case) when the aggravating circumstance is given in paragraph two of that action crime damage particularly serious affected a large number of computer systems are generated, it had been done within the framework of an organization criminal or, with the commission of the offense had been seriously undermined the functioning of essential public services and the provision of essential goods.
they are accused crimes of continuing damages integration in a criminal organization
in the same vein for the third defendant, JMZF, the Office requests the same reduced sentences in two months regarding the RTS and DLI Now, while the phase of the trial unfolds, doubts about the instruction on the development of the procedure and the existence of a crime caused by the bodies and security forces of the state, are tarnishing part of this procedure, first its kind in Spain.
the alleged offenses, amid boiling 15M and strength and hype that the police announced the arrest of the dome of Anonymous, cast doubt on if it be treated exceptionally by the publicity of the case, or whether it is have finally become scapegoats of something bigger.
for now, several voices suggest that there are not enough elements to the tribal consider practiced the test (ie, the phase of the process in which the evidence admitted by the court or tribunal is examined), the existence of a crime of such gravity as to send the three accused four years jail, and more with the report of the JEC that raises how much of the damage to 700 euros.
Now, no case law on the subject that allows us an idea of what will happen in the phase of conclusions and subsequent judgment, the judgment of the dome of Anonymous starts with doubts about the process , especially if there will be justice in the result itself.
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