Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A man died in his bachelor falling through the window of a hotel – LaCapital.com.ar

A young Madrid 35, who had just returned to his hotel after finishing his bachelor party, died early Sunday when hurrying from the window of the room occupied on the fifth floor of the hotel Begoña in Gijon, according to local police.

the event took place at eight o’clock, when the group of farewell, among which was the brother of the victim, had returned to their rooms after spending a night in the Asturian city. the deceased has been identified with the acronym FCVP

Several witnesses heard the impact against the floor of the street August 17 and called 112 after seeing the body. “I was having breakfast and I heard a noise and suddenly, a man entered the cafe and said ‘call 112 has fallen a person’ and then as the police came” witness told a local daily El Comercio. the young man died, according to this witness, had a mobile phone in hand.

Upon arrival emergency services could only confirm the death of the young.

The testimonies collected among the friends who accompanied him and also stopped at the same hotel led police to believe that the accident was caused by an accident, although the possible causes of the accident have not yet transpired. Officers found the room closed deceased. The hotel has a specialized bachelor and group parties offer.


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